Navigate to to install Python 3+.
Navigate to to install Git.
Open a terminal window and type the below command to clone the GitHub QApp repo.
With the terminal window open, type the below command to install all of the dependencies.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to and create a new account.
Navigate to and click the 'Copy token' button in blue to obtain your API. Open up a text editor and paste in the token temporarily.
Open a terminal window and type the below command to setup your API key with your software. Make sure you replace the 'MY_API_TOKEN' below with your API key you have stored in your text editor. Be sure to paste the API key between the single quotes as shown below.
>>> from qiskit import IBMQ
>>> IBMQ.save_account('MY_API_TOKEN')
>>> quit()
##Import jquery,css, bootstrap and set image repo for web page access(can be in seprate static folder)
With the terminal window open, type the below command to run your qapp.
Navigate to localhost:5000 to launch your qapp in your default web browser.