Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer 🤖.
BS in Computer Engineering from Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (2019) 🇧🇷
International scholarship student at the State University of New York at New Paltz (2015-16) 🇺🇸
IT Project Management and Agile Methodologies graduate program at Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2022) 🇧🇷
Currently working 100% remote as a Senior Software Engineer @ Eternis 🌐.
I lead a study group about fullstack web3 development, if you are interested joining please hit me up.
- 💻 Javascript/Typescript, Golang.
- 🚀 Front-end: React, Next and React Native.
- 🏠 Back-end: Node, Bun, Nest, Express.
- ⛓️ Blockchain/Web3: Solidity, Foundry, Hardhat, Viem, Ethers, wagmi, web3.js.
- 🧪 Testing: Jest, React Testing Library and Cypress - Unit, Integration and E2E.
- 🏬 SQL & NoSQL databases: Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB and Redis.
- ☁️ AWS: S3, EC2 and Lambdas.
- 🔥 Currently focused on Web3/Blockchain;
- 📚 Always learning new things.
Interests enfolds:
- Web Development
- Blockchain/Web3 Development, Crypto & DeFi.
- Software Engineering
- Engineering Management
- Cybersecurity
- Lean Startup