Programs and source code for demonstrating the A-Star Pathfinding Algorithm
This repository holds different programs and their source code for demonstrating how the A* Algorithm works.
Currently there are 2 programs included:
/Java Visiualisation: A java program that visually demonstrates the Algorithm either step by step or by instantly finding the fastest path. It can be controlled with the space bar/enter and the mouse. Obstacles and the start/target position of the path may be placed by the user. (Currently only available in german, should not really matter though.)
/C-Sharp Demo: A C# demo program that is available in source code form that utilises the A*-Algorithm. The algorithm itself can be found inside the A-Star class in its FindPath method. There are also individual classes for the field in which the path is searched, as well as the Open List, which is utilized with a binary heap.
You can also find the slides I have used in my videos in /Slides.
I explain the basics of the algorithm in these videos:
Feel free to use this material for your own non-commercial purposes. You can also e-mail me any questions at [email protected]