This demo app shows a simple user profile app set up using
- index.html with pure js and css styles
- nodejs backend with express module
- mongodb for data storage
All components are docker-based
Step 1: Create docker network
docker network create mongo-network
Step 2: start mongodb
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password --name mongodb --net mongo-network mongo
Step 3: start mongo-express
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME=admin -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD=password --net mongo-network --name mongo-express -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=mongodb mongo-express
NOTE: creating docker-network in optional. You can start both containers in a default network. In this case, just emit --net
flag in docker run
Step 4: open mongo-express from browser
Step 5: create user-account
db and users
collection in mongo-express
Step 6: Start your nodejs application locally - go to app
directory of project
npm install
node server.js
Step 7: Access you nodejs application UI from browser
Step 1: start mongodb and mongo-express
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
You can access the mongo-express under localhost:8080 from your browser
Step 2: in mongo-express UI - create a new database "my-db"
Step 3: in mongo-express UI - create a new collection "users" in the database "my-db"
Step 4: start node server
npm install
node server.js
Step 5: access the nodejs application from browser
docker build -t my-app:1.0 .
The dot "." at the end of the command denotes location of the Dockerfile.
Step 1: Create a kubernetes cluster with 1 controlplane and 2 workers
kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml
Step 2: Setup nginx ingress in kind cluster
kubectl apply -f
Step 3: Build experss-app container locally
docker build -t express-app:latest .
Step 4: Load local docker image in kind cluster all nodes to make it accessible to the pods
kind load docker-image express-app:latest
Step 5: Apply all manifest files it will create following:
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/
- express-app deployment & it's service
- mongo-express deployment
- mongodb statefulset & it's service
- network policy
- ingress
- persistent volume
- persistent volume claim
- configmap
- secret
Step 7: Setup Domain names locally
Open powershell(Administrator) run below command :
notepad C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add following entries in the file
Step 7: Access you nodejs application UI from browser