- glance Develop an AI-powered solution that can accurately detect cancer at an early stage using [specific data type, e.g. medical images, genomic data, electronic health records]. The solution should be able to identify high-risk patients and alert healthcare providers for further screening and classify cancer types and stages with high accuracy. The goal is to improve cancer detection rates and enhance patient outcomes through early intervention
sloution present by EarlyOncAI
EarlyOncAI is an AI-powered platform designed to hit upon most cancers early with the aid of analyzing clinical photographs, genomic records, and fitness records. The machine identifies high-danger sufferers, signals healthcare vendors for similarlyscreening, and correctly classifies most cancers kinds and ranges. The solution is powered by way of GenAI, permitting deep analysis and pattern reputation throughout complicated records sorts, providing a incredibly precise and green approach for early detection.
We slove, AI solution addresses the challenge of early cancer detection by analyzing medical images, genomic data, electronic health records, etc. The system leverages AI models to identify patients who High risk of cancer Notify your healthcare provider for further testing. and accurately categorize cancers Cancer type and stage in patient outcomes There has been a significant improvement.
our tagline "A Head Start Against Cancer. AI to the Rescue"
prototype link : https://www.figma.com/proto/S1vVwjkDEKoK681U2bxh9X/Untitled?node-id=7-565&node-type=frame&t=a0iJc6W29nC7t4X0- 1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=7%3A331