Downloads per version are located in
This application requires you to have Microsoft .NET 5 runtime to be installed for application to be running.
- Set game locations
- Launch games
- Remembers the last game you have played
- Play next button automatically gives you option to play the next eppisode
- Cleaning the OST_Game folder, you should do that if the game is constantly crashing (eg. crash on startup, crash on location change etc.)
- Auto-scan folder for mapping the games
- Currently have issue that multiple executables shares same MD5 checksum, have to think up an additional check (configurable via json) to definitely validate the game folders
- In addition if there are multiple matches found, application should give user the ability to select the correct one, maybe even try to understand from the naming of the folders...
- Ability to add new Projects (groups of the game)
- Ability to add new Games
- Ability to chose the sorting of the games
- Ability to add custom sort
- Ability to update the game/project list from the file located in here...