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Meghan edited this page May 2, 2014 · 11 revisions

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###Infected Crew Member
Basic melee-based enemy, can be identified with red uniforms.

###Infected NCO Similar to the Infected Crew Member, but stronger, and can be identified with blue uniforms.

###Infected Officer Stronger variant of the Infected Crew Member, but stronger than the Infected NCO, and can be identified with white uniforms.

###Infected Marine A basic range-based enemy, equipped with a standard MLR.

###Infected Grenadier A special type of ranged-based enemy that will throw a random grenade at the player (EMP grenade, Frag grenade, or Firebomb). They also have a chance of randomly going berserk, where they will attack the nearest thing in sight, kamikazing with whatever grenade they have in hand.

###Infected Crawler A variant of the Infected Crew Member, that has its legs blown-off, making it difficult to hit, but it has slower movement.

###Infected Engineer Weak melee-based enemy but, when you enter their line of sight, they will quickly construct and constantly repair a turret that will target you.

###Turret Turrets are stationary ranged-based enemies that are often found guarding the armories. By default, they will only attack the player and their companions, however, if you find a turret control console, you can attempt to hack it change who they target (based on intelligence and chance).

###Security Bot Very strong melee based robot that are usually found in messhalls near vending machines. They are initially inactive, but if you attack them or their vending machines, they will activate and become hostile to you. They also drop keys, which can be used to open vaults found in the armories.

###Infected Security Bot Stronger version of the Security Bot that are infected and can be found defending the teleporters to the next dungeon levels. You must destroy them before you progress a level.

###Crazed Gardner Crazed Gardners can be found guarding and patroling hydroponic rooms. They are melee-based enemies that are initially neutral until you attempt to take any food from hydroponics.

###Cleaner Bot These are neutral robots that can be found aboard the Astroverious. They are initially inactive, but as the infection spreads, they become active, attempting to clean any nearby infected tiles.

###Spore Creature Words

###Small Spore Creature Words

###Zed Umber Words

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