You need julia
installed, preferably a version higher than 1.6.
You can run Julia in the directory of CovidReproductionNumber.jl, using the project environment as:
cd CovidReproductionNumber.jl
julia --project=.
After that, type
This should install the necessary Julia packages.
We assume your input is placed in input/data-20220103.xlsx
. The input excel
file must contain a single sheet with several correctly marked columns. You can
check the suitability of the input file using script check_input.jl
, as
julia --project=. check_input.jl input/data-20220103.xlsx
You may get an output like this (or eventually an error with a description of the problem):
┌ Warning: Last entry is older than 1 week!
└ @ Main ~/work/CovidReproductionNumber.jl/check_input.jl:36
[ Info: Age of the last entry is 136 days
[ Info: Check finished OK.
Reff and Rt analyses may be run as follows:
julia --project=. estimate_r_eff.jl input/data-20220103.xlsx
julia --project=. estimate_r_t.jl input/data-20220103.xlsx
The output should be generated into corresponding files: