[View my Portfolio Live]https://my-portfolio-ruddy-sigma-52.vercel.app/
Welcome to my portfolio! This is a web application showcasing my skills, projects, and contact information.
Home Screen:
- My picture
- Options to download my Resume
- Links to my GitHub, LinkedIn, LeetCode, and Instagram
- A stat meter displaying my stats
- Four tab contents:
- My Skills
- My Experience
- My Education
- About Me (each tab opens a different page)
- Four tab contents:
- A showcase of all the projects I've made
- Links to view live projects (if deployed)
- Links to GitHub
- A slider option to browse through all projects
- Four links to certificates I earned in:
- Technologies
- Internship
- Theatre
- Participations
- Four links to certificates I earned in:
- A form to contact me
- Basic contact information
- Viewers can send messages via this form, which will reach me via email.
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer Motion
- React Icons
- EmailJS