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Releases: AugmenTab/mythic


17 Sep 19:47
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  • Adds dual support for both v10 and v11.
  • Adds support for manned stationary vehicles (non-automated turrets).
  • Exposes some of the system API to facilitate macros - see the README for more information.
  • Adds Special Ammo Items to the Equipment compendium packs.
  • Introduces new compendium packs:
    • Equipment - Banished
    • Equipment - Other
    • Armor Permutations - Banished
    • Macros
  • Makes Items draggable from Actor sheets, both into the Items sidebar as well as onto other Actor sheets.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where making melee attacks in walker vehicles would only post attacks that DIDN'T hit.
  • Fixes bug where grenades and other thrown weapons were being created as ranged weapons in the compendium.


12 Aug 17:43
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where having Vehicle Actors on the Combat tracker would break the Combat. Instead, they now do not get added to initiative, with a toast displayed to the user.


29 Jul 13:16
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  • Updates compendiums with latest vehicle pricing rebalance.


16 Jul 16:54
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  • Splits compendium packs back into per-faction packs where applicable.
  • Introduces the Vehicle compendium packs, with embedded melee and ranged weapons.


09 Jul 20:08
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  • Two additional Compendia are now available:
    • Bestiary
    • Bestiary - The Flood

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where primary fire modes for weapons with multiple fire modes were not being built as compendium items.
  • Fixes bug where some equipment items were not appearing because they were generating IDs that were duplicates of other items.


05 Jul 16:13
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where weapon nickname references in the HTML templates were broken.
  • Fixes bug where null value role owner references were having illegal operations performed on them.
  • Fixes bug where references on postable weapon templates in chat messages would be broken for items immediately copied from the compendium packs.


28 Jun 23:00
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  • Full migration to Foundry v10.
  • Updated the system to Mythic 6.0, with the following adjustments:
    • Set the default critical failure threshold to only natural 100s.
    • Added a value field for editing the Electrified special rule for Weapons.
    • Introduction of new Long Barrel special rule for Weapons.
    • Updated values and logic handling melee reach, to-hit, and damage.
    • Updated the rules for calculating throwing distance.
    • Updated the rules for calculating carry, lift, and push weight.
    • Changed the "Double AGI Mod to Run/Charge" field to "AGI Bonus for Run/Charge."
      • This is to support the new rule for Hunters, where they were changed from doubling their AGI mod for figuring Charge and Run to instead gain a +3 bonus to their AGI mod when calculating those movement speeds. This field can take a number input, which will allow players to use either the new or old rules, as well as for use in like abilities, both for homebrew content and possible future official content.
    • Updated a number of system terms that have been changed for 6.0
    • Fixed wound calculation to now be accurate for both Named Characters and Bestiary.
    • Updated rate of melee attacks.
    • Updated armor hardpoints.
    • Updated penalty to masking footsteps based on weight.
    • Updated thrown weapon scatter with new scatter distance limitation.
  • Re-introduced the ammunition management feature, with a new system setting offering the following three modes:
    • Magazines - weapons track full magazines, and reloaded weapons lose the held ammunition in the current magazine.
    • Ammo Pool - a count of total rounds are tracked, with magazines always topped off. This works like how the games handle ammunition, and is how single-loading weapons will work even in Magazines mode.
    • Self-Managed - no automation is applied here, allowing users to manage ammunition however they please.
  • Added Parry as an alternative to Evasion by widening the available characteristics for Evasion tests to WFM and updating sheet copy.
  • Added a field for circumstance modifiers on damage for attacks.
  • Simplified initiative tie-breaking when sorting combatants.
  • Changes the "Enduring?" select field to the "Fatigue Levels Ignored" number field.
  • Factors encumbrance penalties into characteristics with three methods (as system settings):
    • Standard, which uses the rules in the book.
    • Simplified, which uses a simplified version of the rules.
    • Off, which does no encumbrance penalty automation.
  • Scatter is now determined at the time the attack is made, so it can persist between server instances.
  • Natural Armor is now supported.
  • Effects for attacking at different ranges (bonuses and penalties to attack, damage, and pierce) are applied based on distance to target. This can be toggled on and off with a system setting.
  • Education limit is now tracked and modifiable.
  • Perceptive Range is now tracked and modifiable.
  • Weapons have a Scope Magnification value, and display their effective minimum and maximum ranges with that magnification factored in.
  • Attacks that deal Special Damage now indicate this by displaying a bullseye.
  • Several Compendia are now available:
    • Abilities
    • Armor - Banished
    • Armor - Covenant
    • Armor - Forerunner
    • Armor - UNSC
    • Armor Permutations - UNSC
    • Equipment - Covenant
    • Equipment - Forerunner
    • Equipment - UNSC
    • Melee Weapons
    • Ranged Weapons
  • Field added to melee weapons to indicate the number of extra attacks it grants on an Attack action.
  • Field added to thrown weapons to indicate a flat range bonus granted by the weapon.
  • Equipment and Weapon Items can now provide shields and characteristic adjustments like Armor can.
    • Characteristics adjustments from all Items are summed and displayed in the Equipment row for both Characteristics and Mythic Characteristics in the Settings tab for any character sheet.
    • Shields are displayed under the weapon summary section on any character sheet. Included are buttons to recharge a single item, or all equipped shield-giving items.
    • The shields section does not cover shield-granting armor - that is still managed in the same place it was previously, though it has now been renamed to "Energy Shields."
  • Thrown weapons can now control their grip quality from the summary.
  • Chat messages generated from the sheet use the selected message visibility.
  • Items can now be created directly on Actor sheets.
  • Vehicle Actors introduced.
    • Vehicles are better suited to serve their role in the game as Actors than as Items. So, while there is no way to represent "ownership" of a Vehicle in the system, the benefits far exceed this downside.
    • Perhaps the most notable feature unique to Vehicles is Role Assignment, which allows users to provide an Actor ID for the character at a particular vehicle post. These roles can then be "assigned" to jobs or weapons, and the relevant Test(s) will be using that Actor's stats.
    • Three primary types: Walkers (using "Legs" propulsion type), Stationary Turrets (using "Stationary" propulsion type), and all others.
    • Walkers are expected to have a Stomp and Punch weapon added (if relevant).
    • Vehicles can post their doom state detonation to chat, along with make Splatter or Trample attacks as appropriate. Non-walkers can also post the damage dealt on a Wreck to chat.
  • The Slow special rule now halves melee rate of attacks.
  • Introduction of the Linked special rule for weapons, which multiplies the number of damages for an attack by the number of linked weapons.

Bug Fixes

  • Weapon Item sheet tabs for Settings and Notes are now displaying properly.
  • Fixed an instance where Armor that held values for Shields or Characteristics modifiers, but had those fields not checked as "has," were still applying those values to the Actor.
  • Item postables now use the correct values.
  • Inventory items now calculate and display weight values correctly.
  • Fixes Actor data preparation failing at the time of Actor creation.
  • Self-supporting items now only apply their benefit when they are equipped.
  • Dice are now parsed in circumstance modifiers for Tests, as well as To-Hit and Damage values for Attacks.
  • Various formatting issues in sheets and chat messages were corrected.
  • Negative magazine counts no longer cause negative attack counts.


10 Sep 01:35
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  • Removes incomplete magazine count feature. This will require a different, more involved re-implementation and this removal will prevent the current buggy implementation from breaking the update for those that want to use it.


09 Sep 22:23
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  • Known languages can now be removed from a character simply by clicking on them.
  • The following were given post-to-chat functionality:
    • Items
      • Ability Item
      • Armor Item
      • Education Item
      • Equipment Item
      • Weapon Item
    • Trainings
      • Known Languages
      • Faction Trainings
      • Equipment Trainings
  • Scatter arrows are now rotated into the proper direction rather than using differing numbers of arrows.
  • A value to track how many loaded magazines are carried for a weapon was added to the Special Ammo tab on the Weapon Item sheet. This value is automatically decremented with each reload, and blocks reloads when the character has run out of loaded magazines for the weapon.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the Explode and Explode Once alternate settings for Special Damage to use the correct weapon "Crits On" value.
  • Fixes the broken Scatter link for weapon chat dialogs.


21 May 18:38
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where textarea elements were adding unnecessary whitespace.
  • Exposes system setting to choose which edition of Mythic's rules for the Strong Back ability to use.