A web app that allow artists to share their artworks easily.
Alpha verson: https://easyartshow.com
Development blogs (check development's history for more): https://github.com/AugustanaCSC490Spring23/EasyArtShow/wiki
- Clone the project
- On your terminal at the project's location, run
cd easyartshow
andnpm install --force
and finallynpm start
- The project should be on http://localhost:3000/
- Everytime you save your code file, it will reflect the new changes on the localhost site.
- Download the private .env file (only shared within team)
- Put the .env file in the src folder
- Run the app
- Make sure to create your own brance with this format: [catogory]/[name of the reference] category:
- feature is for adding, refactoring or removing a feature
- bugfix is for fixing a bug
- hotfix is for changing code with a temporary solution and/or without following the usual process (usually because of an emergency)
- test is for experimenting outside of an issue/ticket
Example: feature/authentication
To sum up, follow this pattern when branching:
git branch <category/reference>
Read more about branching on this site: https://bit.ly/3ktadIr
- Create a pull request and link it with an issue
- Assign a reviewer and ping them again on chat to help review
- Once the review is the done, the code will be merged to the main branch.
- Be nice and supportive to each other. We got this!
- Make sure your variables, functions' names are meaningful.
- Follow correct name convention. For JavaScript, it is camelCase. If it is a constant like password, do UPPER_CASE.
- Document your functions. What does it do. What are the variables. What does it return.
- Comment on code you think would be hard for your teammates to understand. Don't overdo it.
More on clean code here: https://medium.com/swlh/10-clean-coding-practices-e37ac283184d