A ComfyUI custom node that simply integrates the animate-anyone-reproduction functionality.
一个简单接入 animate-anyone-reproduction 的 ComfyUI 节点。
We use 'COMFYUI_PATH' to represent your comfyui directory. 我们用'COMFYUI_PATH'表示你comfyui的目录
- Clone this repo into 'COMFYUI_PATH/custum_nodes' 将这个仓库克隆到'COMFYUI_PATH/custum_nodes'目录下
git clone https://github.com/AuroBit/ComfyUI-Animate-Anyone-reproduction.git custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Animate-Anyone-reproduction
- install dependences: 安装依赖
pip install -r custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Animate-Anyone-reproduction/requirements.txt
clone (or download all files) the SVD model repo from: https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-video-diffusion-img2vid-xt/tree/main to any where you like. 将SVD模型克隆到一个你喜欢的目录下。
Create a folder named 'animate_anyone' under the 'COMFYUI_PATH/models' folder. 在'COMFYUI_PATH/models'下创建一个'animate_anyone'文件夹
Copy all files and folders (except the 'unet' folder) to 'COMFYUI_PATH/models/animate_anyone' 将所有文件和文件夹(除了'unet'文件夹)复制到'COMFYUI_PATH/models/animate_anyone'下面
clone (or download model and files) from: https://modelscope.cn/models/lightnessly/animate-anyone-v1/files 克隆原作者训练的模型仓库
- Copy the 'controlnet' folder to the 'COMFYUI_PATH/models/animate_anyone' folder.
- Copy the 'unet' folder to the 'COMFYUI_PATH/models/animate_anyone' folder.
Your file structure should look like this: 下载完后你的模型文件夹的目录结构应该是这样的
- ComfyUI
- models
- animate_anyone
- controlnet
- feature_extractor
- image_encoder
- scheduler
- unet
- vae
Download all these file automatically using python script 通过python脚本自动下载模型文件
- run:
python custom_nodes\ComfyUI-AnimateAnyon-reproduction\prepare.py