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Is there a factor of 2 in Eq. (40) of Lattice models?
Discussion of quasiparticle decay based on Fano model.
Background charge density in Jellium lecture handled correctly?
Improve discussion of fractional statistics
Sawada for plasmons
Question on Majumdar--Ghosh
Luttinger model: density matrix of left movers when right movers traced out.
Structure factor from scattering of a particle from density fluctuations.
Issue of
vs. . -
Comment on Lieb--Liniger
In (7) we defined
(after taking the log) which is the physical phase shift upon scattering. In Lieb-Liniger's paper, however, which is more by than our definition for negative and less by for positive ones. There are two issues with this:
- In (24),
must be an integer no matter what with our definitions, since it's a direct consequence of periodic BC. In Lieb-Liniger's paper, the half-integer 's for even are due to the 's defined away; in fact they remark that the impenetrable limit of an even number of bosons is linked to free fermions with antiperiodic BC (footnote 6 in the paper).
- The argument in the paper for
's all being different relies on the fact that their definition of decreases monotonically for all (eq. (2.25) in the paper). This is not true for our definition (it jumps from at to at , so there is no good reason why 's in our treatment are all different.
This could be fixed by changing over completely to Lieb-Liniger's definition which is not as intuitive as keeping
the physical scattering phase; or by defining on the interval so that it decreases monotonically: this saves Lieb-Liniger's argument for different 's, but they will change to (presumably negative) integers and it's not fully intuitive either. In any case, the argument used to get half-integer for even is wrong. The continuum limit derivations depend only on which goes unaffected, so that part should be fine, although the in (39) and (42) may have something to do with this.