Burn CC254x firmware using a Raspberry Pi.
gcc src/CCLoader.c -std=c99 -lm -o CCLoader
Usage: CCLoader [OPTION...] [firmware.bin]
Flash firmware on a CC254x chip, like those used in HM-10 modules.
-C, --DC=pin Raspberry Pi pin connected to the DEBUG_CLOCK (DC)
pin on the CC254x chip
-D, --DD=pin Raspberry Pi pin connected to the DEBUG_DATA (DD)
pin on the CC254x chip
-r, --retries=RETRIES Number of time to retry flashing a block after it
fails verification (defaults to 5)
-R, --RESET=pin Raspberry Pi pin connected to the RESET_N pin on
the CC254x chip
-v, --no-verify Do not verify each block after it is flashed
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.