Releases: Automattic/studio
Version 1.3.7
- Fixed issue with site crashing after rotatePHPRuntime and displaying hello wp-now #1019
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.6
- Fixed issue with resolving relative symlink paths #1009
- Improved site path uniqueness validation on Windows #976
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.5
- Improved site name suggestions to ensure path uniqueness #972
- Improved stats tracking of app usage #988
- Added failed state when preview sites update fails #977
- Fixed updating, export and push for sites with older SQLite database integration #966
- Misc minor bug fixes and UI improvement
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.4
- Included mu-plugins in site exports #861
- Repurposed Demo Sites as Preview Sites
- Localized Studio docs for Spanish
- Improved name and folder generation and error handling when adding a site #900, #901
- Added tunneling support #936
- Increased timeouts for import and export commands #904
- Fixed URL and port replacement on creating a new site from backup or existing folder #944, 962
- Misc minor bug fixes and UI improvements
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.3
- Added support for mu-plugins in site import #852
- Moved mu-plugin polyfills to an internal Playground directory #845
- Fixed an issue with window control placement in fullscreen view on macOS #833
- Fixed an issue where ZIP files larger than 2GB could not be imported #835 #874
- Cosmetic improvements to how the terminal is launched on Windows #814
- Fixed importing of .wpress backups #830
- Added description for Advanced settings of creating a new site #828
- Improved Sentry reports #813, #863, #868, #864
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.2
- Upgraded Electron to 33.3.1 (#782)
- Assistant: Fixed scroll glitch on initial render (#804)
- Added tooltip with demo site last update time (#812)
- Added link to the site's URL on the Sync connect popup (#799)
- Increased demo site size limit from 250MB to 2GB (#805)
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.1
- Allowed starting a site import even when one is already in progress #775
- Allowed to select a custom domain when setting up a new site #774
- Changed Demo site link to open in a new browser window instead of copying the URL to the clipboard #790
- Fixed cases with tar.gz import failing #793
- Updated Import / Export help docs link #773
- Fixed custom directory path selection in the “Add a Site” form #787
- Fixed icon spacing in the top bar #776
- Unified import labels and clarified supported formats #784
- Removed the “Create a New Site” button when no sites are connected on the Sync tab #771
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.3.0
- Introduced Sync to Studio feature
- Updated default PHP version to 8.2 #767
- Improved spacing and position for elements in RTL languages #757, #759
- Improved logs display across the app #756, #765
- Minor UI fixes #701, #720, #721, #722
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.2.2
- Disabled Jetpack Protect to fix auto-login for Sites that use Jetpack #658
- Added missing tooltip labels to buttons #648, #669
- Fixed bug preventing Studio from deleting existing plugins and themes before the import #657
- Added AppX for Microsoft Store support #643, #647, #671
- Disabled import/export for sites not using SQLite integration #463
- Improved theme and plugin list generation during export #676
- Automatically start site after import #678
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows:
Version 1.2.1
- Removed regenerate media step after import flow #639
Download Studio for macOS (Intel or Silicon) and Windows: