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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 12, 2024. It is now read-only.
Alan Chung Ma edited this page Apr 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the AMP Autonomous Software System v2 wiki!

This wiki contains design docs, standards, and other subsystem-related documents for the second iteration of the AMP Autonomous Software Stack.


Our software stack uses the ROS 2d navigation package to obtain control information given sensor and odometry sources, a map, a tf transform tree, a node to publish the desired kart position (i.e. goal setting), and a set of configurations for the naviagtion stack's global and local planners and costmaps. This repository contains top-level launch files for simulation and physical testing in src/sim_stage/launch and .../launch (TODO: Issue 34). We highlight some of the main packages below:

TODO(35): Add other packages and refactor current ones.


This package runs the stage_ros node. See src/sim_stage/sim_files for the image file that specifies the shape of the racetrack and the config files that define the simulated laserscanner sensor and kart. This simulated kart takes /cmd_vel topic to move. (cmd_vel contains tf map frame, quaternion, and 3d pose, but we are only using it for forward displacement and yaw displacement) Broadcasts /top/scan, which is the current moment laserscan data as a list of each ray's distance in a 180 degree range.


Reads top/scan and moves the kart towards open space (path finding). Puts out /amp_slam_goal which is a MoveBaseGoal structure that represents displacement. TODO: change from MoveBaseGoal to something simpler. slam_mode_goal is intended to put out high-level, ideal cart commands that are translated by the mover node into hardware commands for the kart's motors and steering.