An utility for visual mod.
Picture: example of skinned ward replaced with the default ward model
- Patch all wards to the default wards model
- Patch to inject the visual mod folder
- Build patched pak01_dir folder to a .vpk file
- Play cool music (you can turn it off)
- 1: Select your pak01_dir.vpk from "\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota" or your modded pak01_dir.vpk
- 2: (Change the mod folder name to any mod u using, then) Select your from "\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota"
- 3: Select the pak01_dir folder and copy the pak01_dir.vpk from "patched" folder to the mod folder (default: dota_tempcontent) located in "\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game"
- The default folder name injected to is "dota_tempcontent", you can change this folder name inside /data/database.json with any text editor to any folder name you wish 😎
- Reminder for those want to rename the patched vpk to pak02_dir.vpk: If your installed mod pak01_dir.vpk is contains items_game.txt, the patch wards to default mod will not work because Dota 2 cant accept 2 items_games.txt inside 2 different .vpk
- Solution: Replace the pak01_dir.vpk (the modded one, dont replace the original)
- Can you use it with dota minify? yes, but you have to have a backup of the original (even my tool creates it before patching), then install minify, the tricky part is here: minify installation also edits the, but not patch it. my tool patches but only the original ones (general approach for other mods). so what you have to do is: replace the with your backed-up one, then proceed to use my patcher tool
- make a prompt to rename the folder
- add other visual mod patch
- idk give me suggestions
Because i need to include library like vpk, json, shutil, tkinter, customtkinter, zlib, and crc-manipulator. To give you a pleasant and ease of use experience with this tool.
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