A Boilerplate for NextJS with TailwindCSS & a Serverless API with Auth0
- NextJS client
- PostCSS & Tailwind CSS for styling
- Authentication with Auth0
- Authentication managed on the client with Hooks & the Context API
- Deployment to Cloudfront & Lambda@Edge using serverless-nextjs
- Custom Serverless REST API
To run the frontend locally: cd client && yarn install && yarn dev
This will make the application available at http://localhost:3000
. For the application to work correctly, make sure you add the environment variables outlined in .env.sample
To deploy the client to Cloudfront & Lambda@Edge using serverless-nextjs, simply run yarn deploy:staging
and it will be deployed and available in a few minutes.
- Multiple deployments
- Tests
- CI/CD with Github Actions
To run the API locally: cd python-api && yarn install && python3.6 -m venv ./venv && . activate_venv.sh && pip install -r requirements.txt && yarn offline
This will make the REST API available at http://localhost:4000
. Currently there is only a python API, which uses FlaskRESTFul.
- Example connecting the API to Auth0
- Tests
- Database
- CI/CD with Github Actions