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service deployment makefile cleanup
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User visible changes in Makefile targets deploying service components:

- cs.deploy becomes cluster-service.deploy
- rp.frontend.deploy becomes frontend.deploy
- rp.backend.deploy becomes backend.deploy
- hypershift.deploy becomes hypershiftoperator.deploy
- maestro target no longer exists
- deploy.svc.all becomes svc.deployall (the same goes with mgmt target)
- deploy.all becomes just deployall

So that:

- all targets deploying single service ends with .deploy and use the
  service name matching the component directory name
- all targets deploying all services ends with deployall
  • Loading branch information
mbukatov committed Dec 4, 2024
1 parent a40992b commit 7b124b6
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Showing 3 changed files with 64 additions and 104 deletions.
136 changes: 45 additions & 91 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,97 +82,51 @@ infra.clean:
.PHONY: infra.clean

# Istio

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) istio svc
.PHONY: isto.deploy

# Metrics

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) metrics svc
.PHONY: metrics.deploy

# Cluster Service

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) cluster-service svc
.PHONY: cs.deploy

# Maestro

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) maestro/server svc
.PHONY: maestro.server.deploy

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) maestro/agent mgmt
.PHONY: maestro.agent.deploy

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) maestro/registration svc
.PHONY: maestro.registration.deploy

maestro: maestro.server.deploy maestro.agent.deploy maestro.registration.deploy
.PHONY: maestro

# Resource Provider

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) frontend svc
.PHONY: rp.frontend.deploy

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) backend svc
.PHONY: rp.backend.deploy


@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) pko mgmt
.PHONY: pko.deploy


@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) acm mgmt
.PHONY: acm.deploy

# Hypershift

@./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) hypershiftoperator mgmt
.PHONY: hypershift.deploy

# Deploy ALL components

deploy.svc.all: isto.deploy metrics.deploy maestro.server.deploy maestro.registration.deploy cs.deploy rp.frontend.deploy rp.backend.deploy
.PHONY: deploy.svc.all

deploy.mgmt.all: acm.deploy maestro.agent.deploy hypershift.deploy
.PHONY: deploy.mgmt.all

deploy.all: deploy.svc.all deploy.mgmt.all
.PHONY: deploy.all
# Services

# Service Deployment Conventions:
# - Services are deployed in aks clusters (either svc or mgmt), which are
# provisioned via infra section above
# - Makefile targets to deploy services ends with ".deploy" suffix
# - To deploy all services on svc or mgmt cluster, we have special targets
# `svc.deployall` and `mgmt.deployall`, and `deployall` deploys everithing.
# - Placement of a service is controlled via services_svc and services_mgmt
# variables
# - If the name of the service contains a dot, it's interpreted as directory
# separator "/" (used for maestro only).

# Services deployed on "svc" aks cluster
services_svc = istio metrics maestro.server maestro.registration cluster-service frontend backend
# Services deployed on "mgmt" aks cluster(s)
services_mgmt = acm maestro.agent pko hypershiftoperator
# List of all services
services_all = $(join services_svc,services_mgmt)

.PHONY: $(addsuffix .deploy, $(services_all)) deployall svc.deployall mgmt.deployall listall list clean

# Service deployment on either svc or mgmt aks cluster, a service name
# needs to be listed either in services_svc or services_mgmt variable (wich
# defines where it will be deployed).
$(eval export dirname=$(subst .,/,$(basename $@)))
@if [ $(words $(filter $(basename $@), $(services_svc))) = 1 ]; then\
./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) $(dirname) svc;\
elif [ $(words $(filter $(basename $@), $(services_mgmt))) = 1 ]; then\
./ $(DEPLOY_ENV) $(dirname) mgmt;\
echo "'$(basename $@)' is not to be deployed on neither svc nor mgmt cluster";\
exit 1;\

svc.deployall: $(addsuffix .deploy, $(services_svc))
mgmt.deployall: $(addsuffix .deploy, $(services_mgmt))
deployall: svc.deployall mgmt.deployall

@echo svc: ${services_svc}
@echo mgmt: ${services_mgmt}

@grep '^[^#[:space:]].*:' Makefile
.PHONY: list
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions dev-infrastructure/docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ There are more fine grained cleanup tasks available as well
To followup sections describe how to deploy the components individually. But if you are looking for a quick and easy way to install or update ALL components on both clusters with one command, then run this:

make deploy.svc.all
make deploy.mgmt.all
make svc.deployall
make mgmt.deployall

Or even simpler with

make deploy.all
make deployall

## Deploy Services to the service cluster
Expand All @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ To access the HTTP and GRPC endpoints of maestro, run
> This might not work with `oc` 4.17.0, please use oc 4.16.x until this is fixed in 4.17

make cs.deploy
make cluster-service.deploy

To validate, have a look at the `cluster-service` namespace or the service cluster.
Expand All @@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ To validate, have a look at the `cluster-service` namespace or the service clust
The ARO-HCP resource provider consists of independent frontend and backend components.

make rp.frontend.deploy
make rp.backend.deploy
make frontend.deploy
make backend.deploy

To validate, have a look at the `aro-hcp` namespace on the service cluster.
Expand All @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ To validate, have a look at the `aro-hcp` namespace on the service cluster.
### Hypershift Operator and External DNS

make hypershift.deploy
make hypershiftoperator.deploy

### Maestro Agent
Expand Down
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,29 @@

# bash will report what is happening and stop in case of non zero return code
set -xe

# deploy a service to a cluster
# ./svc-deploy <deploy-env> <dir> <cluster> [target]
# this script expects the <dir> to contain a Makefile that takes care
# of processing any template on its own

cd $(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")") || exit
cd "$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"

export DEPLOY_ENV=$1
export DIR=$2
export CLUSTER=$3
export TARGET=${4:-deploy}

if [[ "$CLUSTER" != "svc" && "$CLUSTER" != "mgmt" ]]; then
echo "Error: CLUSTER must be either 'svc' or 'mgmt'."
if [[ "${CLUSTER}" != "svc" && "${CLUSTER}" != "mgmt" ]]; then
echo "Error: CLUSTER must be either 'svc' or 'mgmt'." >&2
exit 1

export KUBECONFIG=$(cd dev-infrastructure || exit ; make --no-print-directory $CLUSTER.aks.kubeconfigfile)
cd dev-infrastructure
KUBECONFIG=$(make --no-print-directory "${CLUSTER}.aks.kubeconfigfile")
cd -

cd ${DIR} || exit
make $TARGET
cd "${DIR}"
make "${TARGET}"

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