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JameelB committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 29e7554 commit faaf3d2
Showing 1 changed file with 108 additions and 209 deletions.
317 changes: 108 additions & 209 deletions dev-infrastructure/docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -317,234 +317,133 @@ Then register it with the Maestro Server
make maestro.registration.deploy

## CS Local Development Setup

Should your development needs require a running instance of CS to test with, here is how to spin up a locally running Clusters Service with containerized database suitable enough for testing.

To complete the below steps you will need:

1) `podman`, `ocm` cli (latest), and [`yq`]( cli (version 4+)
2) An up-to-date [Clusters Service repo]( cloned down (can also use a fork if you have one)

> If you don't have or want to install `yq`, any steps below using `yq` can be done manually

### Configure and run CS

Option 1: Configure and initialize Cluster Service using the script:
Run ./dev-infrastructure/ from the root of ARO-HCP repo where "uhc-clusters-service" and "ARO-HCP" repos should be at the same level:

* uhc-clusters-service/
* etc

Option 2: You can follow the below manual steps from the root of the CS repo on our system:

1) Follow [Azure Credentials and Pull Secret for HCP creation](#azure-credentials-and-pull-secret-for-hcp-creation) to fetch `azure-creds.json`.

2) Setup required config files

# Setup the development.yml
cp ./configs/development.yml .
# Setup the azure-runtime-config.json
# Currently following properties are expected in the file:
# - `cloudEnvironment` : The Azure cloud environment where Cluster Service is running on.
# Possible values are 'AzurePublicCloud', 'AzureChinaCloud' and 'AzureUSGovernmentCloud'.
cp ./configs/azure/example-config.json ./azure-runtime-config.json

# Get azure-first-party-application-client-id
# This property needs to be set in the forked development.yml file using the value obtained below
az ad app list --display-name aro-dev-first-party --query '[*]'.appId -o tsv

# Update any required empty strings to 'none'
yq -i '(.aws-access-key-id, .aws-secret-access-key, .route53-access-key-id, .route53-secret-access-key, .oidc-access-key-id, .oidc-secret-access-key, .network-verifier-access-key-id, .network-verifier-secret-access-key, .client-id, .client-secret) = "none"' development.yml

# Generate a provision_shards.config for port-forwarded maestro ...
make -C $the_aro_hcp_dir/cluster-service provision-shard > provision_shards.config

# the resulting configuration requires two portforwardings into the service cluster
kubectl port-forward svc/maestro 8001:8000 -n maestro
kubectl port-forward svc/maestro-grpc 8090 -n maestro

# Alternatively, update provision shards config with new shard manually
cat <<EOF > ./provision_shards.config
- id: 1
maestro_config: |
## Creating an ARO HCP Cluster via Cluster Service

### Creating a cluster
1) Login to your CS deployment
- Access your CS deployment locally
KUBECONFIG=$(make infra.svc.aks.kubeconfigfile) kubectl port-forward svc/clusters-service 8000:8000 -n cluster-service
- Login to your CS deployment
ocm login --url=http://localhost:8000 --use-auth-code

2) Create pre-requisite resources for cluster creation

Replace `resource-group`, `vnet-name`, `nsg-name` and `subnet-name` with any valid names.

- Create a resource group for your ARO HCP cluster. This is used, alongside the resource name and subscription ID, to represent
your ARO HCP cluster resource in Azure.
az group create --name <resource-group> --location "westus3"
- Create a Virtual Network.
> NOTE: This may be created in the same resource group above, or a different one.
az network vnet create -n <vnet-name> -g <resource-group> --subnet-name <subnet-name>
- Create a Network security group
> NOTE: This may be created in the same resource group above, or a different one.
az network nsg create -n <nsg-name> -g <resource-group>
- Associate the created VNet with the subnet of the created NSG
az network vnet subnet update -g <resource-group> -n <subnet-name> --vnet-name <vnet-name> --network-security-group <nsg-name>

3) Create the cluster
> **NOTE** See the [Cluster Service API]( documentation
> for further information on the properties within the payload below

SUBSCRIPTION_NAME="ARO Hosted Control Planes (EA Subscription 1)"
SUBSCRIPTION=$(echo $(az account subscription list | jq '.[] | select(.displayName == $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME)' | jq -r '.subscriptionId'))
TENANTID=$(echo $(cat azure-creds.json | jq -r '.tenantId'))
cat <<EOF > cluster-test.json
"rest_api_config": {
"url": "http://localhost:8001"
"name": "$NAME",
"product": {
"id": "aro"
"ccs": {
"enabled": true
"region": {
"id": "westus3"
"hypershift": {
"enabled": true
"multi_az": true,
"azure": {
"resource_name": "$RESOURCENAME",
"subscription_id": "$SUBSCRIPTION",
"resource_group_name": "$RESOURCEGROUPNAME",
"tenant_id": "$TENANTID",
"managed_resource_group_name": "$MANAGEDRGNAME",
"subnet_resource_id": "$SUBNETRESOURCEID",
"grpc_api_config": {
"url": "localhost:8090"
"properties": {
"provisioner_hostedcluster_step_enabled": "true",
"provisioner_managedcluster_step_enabled": "true",
"np_provisioner_provision_enabled": "true",
"np_provisioner_deprovision_enabled": "true",
"consumer_name": "<<maestro_consumer_name>>"
"version": {
"id": "openshift-v4.17.0"
status: active
azure_base_domain: "<azure_resource_id_of_your_azure_dns_domain>"
management_cluster_id: local-cluster
region: westus3
cloud_provider: azure
topology: dedicated

# Enable the westus3 region in cloud region config
cat <<EOF>> ./configs/cloud-resources/cloud-regions.yaml
- id: westus3
cloud_provider_id: azure
display_name: West US 3
supports_multi_az: true
cat cluster-test.json | ocm post /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters

cat <<EOF>> ./configs/cloud-resources/cloud-regions-constraints.yaml
- id: westus3
enabled: true
govcloud: false
ccs_only: true
You should now have a cluster in OCM. You can verify using `ocm list clusters` or `ocm get cluster CLUSTERID`

# you can verify the region change with the below
yq '.cloud_regions[] | select(.id == "westus3")' configs/cloud-resource-constraints/cloud-region-constraints.yaml

# Update region_constraints.config with new cloud provider
cat <<EOF > ./region_constraints.config
- name: azure
- name: westus3
min_version: 4.11.0
- product: hcp
min_version: 4.12.23

cat <<EOF > ./configs/cloud-resources/instance-types.yaml
- id: Standard_D4as_v4
name: Standard_D4as_v4 - General purpose
cloud_provider_id: azure
cpu_cores: 4
memory: 17179869184
category: general_purpose
size: d4as_v4
generic_name: standard-d4as_v4

cat <<EOF > ./configs/cloud-resource-constraints/instance-type-constraints.yaml
- id: Standard_D4as_v4
ccs_only: true
enabled: true

3) Get azure-first-party-application-certificate-bundle-path:
Run the following command to generate a file containing the base64 decoded first-party application certificate bundle.
This property needs to be set in the forked development.yml file using the value of the absolute path where the certificate resides
$ az keyvault secret show --vault-name "aro-hcp-dev-svc-kv" --name "firstPartyCert" --query "value" -o tsv | base64 -d > ~/fpa_cert

4) Follow CS dev setup process:

# Build CS
make cmds

# Setup local DB
make db/setup

# Initialize the DB
./clusters-service init --config-file ./development.yml

5) Start CS:

./clusters-service serve --config-file development.yml --runtime-mode aro-hcp --azure-auth-config-path azure-creds.json

You now have a running, functioning local CS deployment

### Interact with CS

1) Login to your local CS deployment

ocm login --url=http://localhost:8000 --use-auth-code

2) In the previously created Resource Group:
- Create a Virtual Network and a Network security group
- Associate the created VNet with the subnet of the created NSG
- Go to settings→Subnets of NSG and associate Vnet

3) Create a test cluster - note that `` must match the version inserted into the database earlier.
### Creating node pools
> NOTE: See the [Cluster Service API]( documentation for further information on the properties within the payload below

SUBSCRIPTION_NAME="ARO Hosted Control Planes (EA Subscription 1)"
SUBSCRIPTION=$(echo $(az account subscription list | jq '.[] | select(.displayName == $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME)' | jq -r '.subscriptionId'))
TENANTID=$(echo $(cat azure-creds.json | jq -r '.tenantId'))
cat <<EOF > cluster-test.json
cat <<EOF > nodepool-test.json
"name": "$NAME-aro-hcp",
"product": {
"id": "aro"
"ccs": {
"enabled": true
"region": {
"id": "westus3"
"hypershift": {
"enabled": true
"multi_az": true,
"azure": {
"resource_name": "$RESOURCENAME",
"subscription_id": "$SUBSCRIPTION",
"resource_group_name": "$RESOURCEGROUPNAME",
"tenant_id": "$TENANTID",
"managed_resource_group_name": "$MANAGEDRGNAME",
"subnet_resource_id": "$SUBNETRESOURCEID",
"properties": {
"provision_shard_id": "1"
"version": {
"id": "openshift-v4.16.0"
"id": "$UID",
"replicas": $REPLICAS,
"auto_repair": false,
"azure_node_pool": {
"resource_name": "$NAME",
"vm_size": "Standard_D8s_v3",
"os_disk_size_gibibytes": 30,
"os_disk_storage_account_type": "StandardSSD_LRS",
"ephemeral_os_disk_enabled": false
cat cluster-test.json | ocm post /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters
cat nodepool-test.json | ocm post /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/node_pools

You should now have a cluster in OCM. You can verify using `ocm list clusters` or `ocm get cluster CLUSTERID`
You should now have a nodepool for your cluster in Cluster Service. You can verify using:
ocm get /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/node_pools/$UID

## Creating an ARO HCP Cluster via Frontend
To create a cluster in CS using a locally running Frontend, see the frontend [README](../../frontend/

## CS Dev Cleanup

To tear down your CS setup:

1) Kill the running clusters-service process
2) Clean up the database `make db/teardown`
3) Clean the certificate bundle `$ rm ~/fpa_cert_decoded`

## Appendix

### Access Maestro Postgres from outside of the AKS cluster
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