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APIM resources

guythetechie edited this page May 22, 2024 · 9 revisions


APIs are extracted in artifacts/apis/apiName/apiInformation.json.

You can override the JSON in your configuration YAML by updating this section:

    - name: apiName

API diagnostic

API diagnostics are extracted in artifacts/apis/apiName/diagnostics/diagnosticName/diagnosticInformation.json. You can override the JSON in configuration like this:

    - name: apiName
        - name: diagnosticName

API operation policy

API operation policies are extracted in artifacts/apis/apiName/operations/operationName/policyName.xml. As of this writing, all APIM policies are named policy, so the path above is effectively artifacts/apis/apiName/operations/operationName/policy.xml.

API policy

API policies are extracted in artifacts/apis/apiName/policyName.xml. As of this writing, all APIM policies are named policy, so the path above is effectively artifacts/apis/apiName/policy.xml.

API specification

API specifications are extracted in artifacts/apis/apiName/specification.yaml|wadl|wsdl|json|graphql.

During extraction, you can specify your preferred specification type by passing a parameter API_SPECIFICATION_FORMAT with one of the following values:

Parameter value Specification File name
WADL WADL specification.wadl
JSON Open API v3 JSON specification.json
YAML Open API v3 YAML (default) specification.yaml
OpenApiV2JSON Swagger JSON specification.json
OpenAPIV2YAML Swagger YAML specification.yaml

This parameter does not affect GraphQL or SOAP APIs. They will always be extracted in their original format as specification.graphql and specification.wsdl.

If you really wanted to, you could override your specification within your configuration YAML like this:

  - name: myapi
      format: One of these formats (
      value: Specification file contents

NOTE: It's possible to create a file that conflicts with the API's apiInformation.json. We don't attempt to resolve any conflicts; rather, we pass both and let APIM handle it.

NOTE: There's a ~4MB limit on API requests to the Azure Resource Manager. image.

The recommendation is to upload the specification file somewhere (e.g. Azure Blob Storage) and have APIM import from that URL (like this). Here is how you can achieve that in your publisher configuration YAML file:

  - name: myapi
      format: openapi-link
      value: https://link-to-your-large-file

API tag

API tags are extracted in artifacts/apis/apiName/tags.json. You can override this in configuration like this:

    - name: apiName
        - name: tagA
        - name: tagB

Tags defined in configuration fully override tags defined in tags.json. In other words:

Given configuration tags Given tags.json tags Given current tags in APIM After publisher runs
tagA, tagB tagC tagD tagA, tagB
Array set to empty tagA tagA No tags
Not specified tagA tagB tagA


Backends are extracted in artifacts/backends/backendName/backendInformation.json. You can override the JSON in configuration like this:

    - name: backendName


Diagnostics are extracted in artifacts/diagnostics/diagnosticName/diagnosticInformation.json. You can override the JSON in configuration like this:

    - name: diagnosticName

Each diagnostic is associated with a logger resource. When promoting across environments, make sure to override the loggerId property with the corresponding logger.

    - name: diagnosticName
        loggerId: Resource ID of the associated logger. Format is "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/serviceName/loggers/loggerName"  


Gateways are extracted in artifacts/gateways/gatewayName/gatewayInformation.json. You can override the JSON in configuration like this:

    - name: gatewayName

Gateway API

Gateway APIs are extracted in artifacts/gateways/gatewayName/apis.json. You can override this in configuration like this:

    - name: gatewayName
        - name: apiA
        - name: apiB

Gateway APIs defined in configuration fully override APIs in apis.json. In other words:

Given configuration APIs Given apis.json APIs Given current APIs in APIM After publisher runs
Array set to empty API A API A No APIs
Not specified API A API B API A


Loggers are extracted in artifacts/loggers/loggerName/loggerInformation.json.

You can override the JSON in your configuration YAML by updating this section:

  - name: loggerName

Application Insights loggers

When you link an Application Insights resource to your APIM instance in the Azure portal, APIM generates a logger with your Application Insights resource name. You don't have an option to override the logger name. This can be problematic when promoting across environments.

Suppose your DEV Application Insights resource is named appinsights-dev. When you link it to your DEV APIM instance, a logger named appinsights-dev gets created. Running the extractor tool will generate the folder structure artifacts/loggers/appinsights-dev/loggerInformation.json.

When it's time to promote the logger to PROD, the logger will still be called appinsights-dev. You can override the target Application Insights resource, but you will see a logger named appinsights-dev in your PROD APIM instance pointing to your PROD Application Insights resource. While everything will work, it's not desirable to have a resource with a -dev prefix in your PROD instance.

Here is our recommended approach for handling Application Insights loggers:

  1. In the Azure portal, link your Application Insights resource to your APIM instance. A logger with your Application Insights resource name will get created.
  2. Run the extractor. You will get the folder structure artifacts/loggers/your-appinsights-resource-name/.
  3. Rename the logger folder name from your-appinsights-resource-name to a name that can be consistent across environments. For instance, set the name to appinsights instead of appinsights-dev.
  4. Optional: APIM autogenerates a named value for your application insights instrumentation key. It usually has a random name with display name Logger-Credentials-.... Rename the extracted named value folder to something human-friendly; for instance, from artifacts/named values/63329342013.../ to artifacts/named values/application-insights-instrumentation-key/.
  5. The extracted JSON in artifacts/loggers/logger-name/loggerInformation.json specifies a resource ID that points to the Application Insights resource. Override it in your configuration YAML as needed:
  - name: appinsights (or whichever folder name you chose in Step #3)
      resourceId: Resource ID of your environment's Application Insights resource (/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.insights/components/appInsightsResourceName"
  1. Optional: If you renamed the named value in Step #4, update the instrumentation key reference in your artifacts/loggers/logger-name/loggerInformation.json.
  "properties": {
    "credentials": {
      "instrumentationKey": "{{your-new-named-value-display-name}}"

Or override your configuration YAML like this:

  - name: appinsights (or whichever folder name you chose in Step #3)
        instrumentationKey: "{{your-new-named-value-display-name}}"
  1. Your Application Insights instrumentation key value will likely be different across environments. Override your configuration named value with the proper instrumentation key.
  - name: Instrumentation key's named value name (Logger-Credentials-... or the name you chose in Step #4)
      value: your instrumentation key
  1. In the Azure portal, delete your APIM instance logger from Step 1 and your Logger-Credentials-... named value if you overrode it in Step 4. They will get recreated with proper names when the publisher runs.

Event Hub loggers

We recommend a code-first approach to create Event Hub loggers:

  1. Create a folder under loggers with a name for your logger (artifacts/loggers/eventhub, for instance). This logger name should be consistent across environments.
  2. Under your logger folder, create a loggerInformation.json file (artifacts/loggers/eventhub/loggerInformation.json). The file contents should look like this:
  "properties": {
    "loggerType": "azureEventHub",
    "description": "A description for your logger",
    "credentials": {
      "connectionString": "{{Named value for your event hub connection string}}"
  1. Create a named value with your Event Hub connection string. The named value name should match your properties/credentials/connectionString value in your logger's loggerInformation.json.
  2. Override the named value's value in each environment's configuration as needed.

Version set

Version sets are extracted in artifacts/version sets/versionSetName/apiVersionSetInformation.json. You can override the JSON in configuration like this:

    - name: gatewayName

To link a version set and an API, set the API's apiVersionSetId property to the version set's resource ID:


  "properties": {
    "apiVersionSetId": "/subscriptions/subscriptionName/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apimServiceName/apiVersionSets/versionSetName"

You can also set it in configuration like this:

    - name: apiName
        apiVersionSetId: /subscriptions/subscriptionName/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apimServiceName/apiVersionSets/versionSetName