This Terraform module is designed to create Azure Service bus namespaces and its related resources, including queues and topics.
Major version Zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time. A module SHOULD NOT be considered stable till at least it is major version one (1.0.0) or greater. Changes will always be via new versions being published and no changes will be made to existing published versions. For more details please go to
- Creation of queues.
- Creation of topics and its subscriptions on it
- EntraID authentication instead of access keys
- Support for customer-managed keys and double encryption with infrastructure encryption.
- Enable private endpoint, providing secure access over a private network.
- Enable diagnostic settings.
- Creation of role assignments
- Enable locks
- Enable managed identities both system and user assigned ones.
- The module does not support configuring failover for premium tiers
- The module does not support subscription filters when creating topics
- Use only defaults values
- Specifying all possible parameters at namespace level
- Creation of queues
- Creation of topics
- Customer managed key pinning to a specific key version
- Customer managed key using auto rotation
- Enable diagnostic settings
- Enable managed identities
- Enable private endpoints with auto management of dns records
- Restrict public network access with access control list and service endpoints
The following requirements are needed by this module:
The following providers are used by this module:
The following resources are used by this module:
- azurerm_management_lock.this (resource)
- azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.this (resource)
- azurerm_private_endpoint.this_managed_dns_zone_groups (resource)
- azurerm_private_endpoint.this_unmanaged_dns_zone_groups (resource)
- azurerm_private_endpoint_application_security_group_association.this (resource)
- azurerm_role_assignment.this (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_namespace.this (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_namespace_authorization_rule.this (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_queue.base_queues (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_queue.forward_queues (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule.this (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_subscription.base_topics (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_subscription.forward_topics (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_topic.this (resource)
- azurerm_servicebus_topic_authorization_rule.this (resource)
- modtm_telemetry.telemetry (resource)
- random_uuid.telemetry (resource)
- azurerm_client_config.telemetry (data source)
- modtm_module_source.telemetry (data source)
The following input variables are required:
Description: Azure region where the resource should be deployed.
If null, the location will be inferred from the resource group location.
Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
Example Inputs: eastus
See more in CLI: az account list-locations -o table --query "[].name"
Type: string
Description: Specifies the name of the ServiceBus Namespace resource.
Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
Name must only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens and be between 6 and 50 characteres long. Also, it must not start or end with a hyphen.
Example Inputs: sb-sharepoint-prod-westus-001
See more:
Type: string
Description: The name of the resource group in which to create this resource.
Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
Name must be less than 90 characters long and must only contain underscores, hyphens, periods, parentheses, letters, or digits.
Example Inputs: rg-sharepoint-prod-westus-001
See more:
Type: string
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: Defaults to {}
. Manages a ServiceBus Namespace authorization Rule within a ServiceBus.
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Specifies the name of the ServiceBus Namespace Authorization Rule resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. If it is null it will use the map key as the name.send
- (Optional) - Always set totrue
when manage istrue
if not it will default tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Listen permissions to the ServiceBus Namespace?listen
- (Optional) - Always set totrue
when manage istrue
if not it will default tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Send permissions to the ServiceBus Namespace?manage
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Manage permissions to the ServiceBus Namespace?
Example Inputs:
authorization_rules = {
testRule = {
send = true
listen = true
manage = true
name = optional(string, null)
send = optional(bool, false)
listen = optional(bool, false)
manage = optional(bool, false)
Default: {}
Description: Always set to 0
for Standard and Basic. Defaults to 1
for Premium. Specifies the capacity.
When sku is Premium, capacity can be 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.
Type: number
Default: null
Description: Defaults to null
. Ignored for Basic and Standard. Defines a customer managed key to use for encryption.
- (Required) - The key name for the customer managed key in the key vault. -
- (Required) - The full Azure Resource ID of the key_vault where the customer managed key will be referenced from. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The version of the key to use if it is null it will use the latest version of the key. It will also auto rotate when the key in the key vault is rotated. -
- (Required) - The user assigned identity to use when access the key vaultresource_id
- (Required) - The full Azure Resource ID of the user assigned identity.
Note: Remember to assign permission to the managed identity to access the key vault key. The Key vault used must have enabled soft delete and purge protection. The minimun required permissions is "Key Vault Crypto Service Encryption User" Note: If you require to control "infrastructure encryption" use the parameter
in the module configuration.
Example Inputs:
customer_managed_key = {
key_name = "sample-customer-key"
key_version = 03c89971825b4a0d84905c3597512260
key_vault_resource_id = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{keyVaultName}"
user_assigned_identity {
resource_id = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{managedIdentityName}"
key_name = string
key_vault_resource_id = string
key_version = optional(string, null)
user_assigned_identity = optional(object({
resource_id = string
}), null)
Default: null
Description: Defaults to {}
. A map of diagnostic settings to create. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.
- (Optional) - The name of the diagnostic setting. One will be generated if not set, however this will not be unique if you want to create multiple diagnostic setting resources.log_categories
- (Optional) - Defaults to[]
. A set of log categories to export. Possible values are:ApplicationMetricsLogs
- (Optional) - Defaults to[]
if log_categories is set, if not it defaults to["allLogs", "audit"]
. A set of log groups to send to export. Possible values areallLogs
- (Optional) - Defaults to["AllMetrics"]
. A set of metric categories to export.log_analytics_destination_type
- (Optional) - Defaults toDedicated
. The destination log analytics workspace table for the diagnostic setting. Possible values areDedicated
. Defaults toDedicated
- (Optional) - The resource ID of the log analytics workspace to send logs and metrics to.storage_account_resource_id
- (Optional) - The resource ID of the storage account to send logs and metrics to.event_hub_authorization_rule_resource_id
- (Optional) - The resource ID of the event hub authorization rule to send logs and metrics to.event_hub_name
- (Optional) - The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected.marketplace_partner_resource_id
- (Optional) - The full ARM resource ID of the Marketplace resource to which you would like to send Diagnostic LogsLogs.
Note: See more in CLI: az monitor diagnostic-settings categories list --resource {serviceBusNamespaceResourceId}
Example Inputs:
diagnostic_settings = {
diagnostic1 = {
event_hub_name = "hub-name"
log_analytics_destination_type = "Dedicated"
name = "diagnostics"
event_hub_authorization_rule_resource_id = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/{eventHubNamespaceName}/authorizationRules/{authorizationRuleName}"
#log_categories = ["ApplicationMetricsLogs", "RuntimeAuditLogs", "VNetAndIPFilteringLogs", "OperationalLogs"]
metric_categories = ["AllMetrics"]
log_groups = ["allLogs", "audit"]
workspace_resource_id = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}"
storage_account_resource_id = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storageAccountName}"
name = optional(string, null)
log_categories = optional(set(string), [])
log_groups = optional(set(string), ["allLogs"])
metric_categories = optional(set(string), ["AllMetrics"])
log_analytics_destination_type = optional(string, "Dedicated")
workspace_resource_id = optional(string, null)
storage_account_resource_id = optional(string, null)
event_hub_authorization_rule_resource_id = optional(string, null)
event_hub_name = optional(string, null)
marketplace_partner_resource_id = optional(string, null)
Default: {}
Description: Defaults to true
. This variable controls whether or not telemetry is enabled for the module.
For more information see
If it is set to false, then no telemetry will be collected.
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Defaults to true
. Used to specify whether enable Infrastructure Encryption (Double Encryption). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Requires customer_managed_key
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Defaults to true
. Whether or not SAS authentication is enabled for the Service Bus namespace.
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Defaults to null
. Controls the Resource Lock configuration for this resource.
If specified, it will be inherited by child resources unless overriden when creating those child resources.
The following properties can be specified:
- (Required) - The type of lock. Possible values areCanNotDelete
- (Optional) - The name of the lock. If not specified, a name will be generated based on thekind
value. Changing this forces the creation of a new resource.
Note: If you use
kind lock, you must configure Terraform to use EntraId authentication, as the access of the namespace keys will be blocked thus terraform won't be to do its job.
Example Inputs:
lock = {
kind = "CanNotDelete"
name = "This resource cannot be deleted easily"
kind = string
name = optional(string, null)
Default: null
Description: Defaults to {}
. Controls the Managed Identity configuration on this resource. The following properties can be specified:
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Specifies if the System Assigned Managed Identity should be enabled.user_assigned_resource_ids
- (Optional) - Defaults to[]
. Specifies a set of User Assigned Managed Identity resource IDs to be assigned to this resource.
Example Inputs:
managed_identities = {
system_assigned = true
user_assigned_resource_ids = [
system_assigned = optional(bool, false)
user_assigned_resource_ids = optional(set(string), [])
Default: {}
Description: Defaults to 1.2
. The minimum supported TLS version for this Service Bus Namespace. Valid values are: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.
Type: string
Default: "1.2"
Description: IP rules only for Basic and Standard, virtual network or IP rules for Premium. Defines the network rules configuration for the resource.
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Are Azure Services that are known and trusted for this resource type are allowed to bypass firewall configuration? -
- (Optional) - Defaults to[]
. One or more IP Addresses, or CIDR Blocks which should be able to access the ServiceBus Namespace. -
- (Optional) - Defaults toAllow
. Specifies the default action for the Network Rule Set when a rule (IP, CIDR or subnet) doesn't match. Possible values areAllow
. -
- (Optional) - Defaults to[]
. Ignored for Basic and Standard.subnet_id
- (Required) - The Subnet ID which should be able to access this ServiceBus Namespace.
Note: Remember to enable Microsoft.ServiceBus service endpoint on the subnet.
Defaults to if no value is specified:
cidr_or_ip_rules = []
network_rules = []
default_action = "Allow"
trusted_services_allowed = false
Example Inputs:
network_rule_config = {
trusted_services_allowed = true
default_action = "Allow"
cidr_or_ip_rules = ["", ""]
network_rules = [
subnet_id = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{vnetName}/subnets/{subnetName}"
trusted_services_allowed = optional(bool, false)
cidr_or_ip_rules = optional(set(string), [])
default_action = optional(string, "Allow")
network_rules = optional(set(object({
subnet_id = string
})), [])
"cidr_or_ip_rules": [],
"default_action": "Allow",
"network_rules": [],
"trusted_services_allowed": false
Description: Always set to 0
for Standard and Basic. Defaults to 1
for Premium. Specifies the number of messaging partitions.
Possible values when Premium are 1, 2, and 4. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
Type: number
Default: null
Description: Default to {}
. Ignored for Basic and Standard. A map of private endpoints to create. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.
- (Required) - The resource ID of the subnet to deploy the private endpoint in. -
- (Optional) - The name of the private endpoint. One will be generated if not set. -
- (Optional) - The name of the private DNS zone group. One will be generated if not set. -
- (Optional) - A set of resource IDs of private DNS zones to associate with the private endpoint. If not set, no zone groups will be created and the private endpoint will not be associated with any private DNS zones. DNS records must be managed external to this module. -
- (Optional) - A map of resource IDs of application security groups to associate with the private endpoint. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time. -
- (Optional) - The name of the private service connection. One will be generated if not set. -
- (Optional) - The name of the network interface. One will be generated if not set. -
- (Optional) - The Azure location where the resources will be deployed. Defaults to the location of the resource group. -
- (Optional) - The resource group where the resources will be deployed. Defaults to the resource group of the resource. -
- (Optional) - A map of IP configurations to create on the private endpoint. If not specified the platform will create one. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan
- (Required) - The name of the IP configuration.private_ip_address
- (Required) - The private IP address of the IP configuration.
- (Optional) - A map of role assignments to create on the private endpoint. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time. Seevar.role_assignments
for more information. -
- (Optional) - The lock level to apply to the private endpoint. Default isNone
. Possible values areNone
, andReadOnly
. -
- (Optional) - A mapping of tags to assign to the private endpoint.
subnet_resource_id = string
name = optional(string, null)
private_dns_zone_group_name = optional(string, "default")
private_dns_zone_resource_ids = optional(set(string), [])
application_security_group_associations = optional(map(string), {})
private_service_connection_name = optional(string, null)
network_interface_name = optional(string, null)
location = optional(string, null)
resource_group_name = optional(string, null)
ip_configurations = optional(map(object({
name = string
private_ip_address = string
})), {})
tags = optional(map(string), null)
lock = optional(object({
kind = string
name = optional(string, null)
}), null)
role_assignments = optional(map(object({
role_definition_id_or_name = string
principal_id = string
description = optional(string, null)
skip_service_principal_aad_check = optional(bool, false)
delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
principal_type = optional(string, null) # forced to be here by lint, not supported
condition = optional(string, null) # forced to be here by lint, not supported
condition_version = optional(string, null) # forced to be here by lint, not supported
})), {})
Default: {}
Description: Default to true. Whether to manage private DNS zone groups with this module. If set to false, you must manage private DNS zone groups externally, e.g. using Azure Policy.
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Defaults to true
. Is public network access enabled for the Service Bus Namespace?
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Defaults to {}
. A map of queues to create.
The name of the queue must be unique among topics and queues within the namespace.
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Specifies the name of the ServiceBus Queue resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. If it is null it will use the map key as the name. -
- (Optional) - Its minimum and default value isPT1M
(1 minute). Maximum value isPT5M
(5 minutes). The ISO 8601 timespan duration of a peek-lock; that is, the amount of time that the message is locked for other receivers. -
- (Optional) - Always set to256
for Standard and Basic by Azure. It's mininum and also defaults is1024
with maximum value of102400
for Premium. Integer value which controls the maximum size of a message allowed on the queue. -
- (Optional) - Defaults to1024
. Possible values are1024
. Integer value which controls the size of memory allocated for the queue. -
- (Optional) - Always set tofalse
for Basic by Azure. It Defaults tofalse
for the rest of skus. Boolean flag which controls whether the Queue requires duplicate detection. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. -
- (Optional) - Always set tofalse
for Basic by Azure. It Defaults tofalse
for the rest of skus. Boolean flag which controls whether the Queue requires sessions. This will allow ordered handling of unbounded sequences of related messages. With sessions enabled a queue can guarantee first-in-first-out delivery of messages. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Mininum value ofPT5S
(5 seconds) and maximum ofP10675198D
(10675198 days). Setnull
for never. The ISO 8601 timespan duration of the TTL of messages sent to this queue. This is the default value used when TTL is not set on message itself. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether the Queue has dead letter support when a message expires. -
- (Optional) - Defaults toPT10M
(10 minutes). Minimun ofPT20S
(seconds) and Maximun ofP7D
(7 days). The ISO 8601 timespan duration during which duplicates can be detected. -
- (Optional) - Defaults to10
. Minimum of1
and Maximun of2147483647
. Integer value which controls when a message is automatically dead lettered. -
- (Optional) - Defaults toActive
. The status of the Queue. Possible values are Active, Creating, Deleting, Disabled, ReceiveDisabled, Renaming, SendDisabled, Unknown. -
- (Optional) - Defaults totrue
. Boolean flag which controls whether server-side batched operations are enabled. -
- (Optional) - Always set tonull
when Basic. It Defaults tonull
for the rest of skus. Minimum ofPT5M
(5 minutes) and maximum ofP10675198D
(10675198 days). Setnull
for never. The ISO 8601 timespan duration of the idle interval after which the Topic is automatically deleted. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
for Basic and Standard. For Premium if premium_messaging_partitions is greater than1
it will always be set to true if not it will be set tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether to enable the queue to be partitioned across multiple message brokers. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. -
- (Optional) - Always set tofalse
for Premium and Basic by Azure. Defaults tofalse
for Standard. Boolean flag which controls whether Express Entities are enabled. An express queue holds a message in memory temporarily before writing it to persistent storage. It requires requires_duplicate_detection to be set tofalse
- (Optional) - Always set tofalse
for Basic by Azure. It Defaults tonull
for the rest of skus. The name of a Queue or Topic to automatically forward messages to. It cannot be enabled if requires_session is enabled. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The name of a Queue or Topic to automatically forward dead lettered messages to -
- (Optional) - Defaults to{}
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Specifies the name of the Authorization Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. If it is null it will use the map key as the name.send
- (Optional) - Always set totrue
when manage istrue
if not it will default tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Listen permissions to the ServiceBus Queue?listen
- (Optional) - Always set totrue
when manage istrue
if not it will default tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Send permissions to the ServiceBus Queue?manage
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Manage permissions to the ServiceBus Queue?
- (Optional) - Defaults to{}
. A map of role assignments to create. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.role_definition_id_or_name
- (Required) - The ID or name of the role definition to assign to the principal.principal_id
- (Required) - It's a GUID - The ID of the principal to assign the role to.description
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The description of the role assignment.delegated_managed_identity_resource_id
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The delegated Azure Resource Id which contains a Managed Identity. This field is only used in cross tenant scenario. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.skip_service_principal_aad_check
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. If the principal_id is a newly provisioned Service Principal set this value to true to skip the Azure Active Directory check which may fail due to replication lag. This argument is only valid if the principal_id is a Service Principal identity.
Example Inputs:
queues = {
testQueue = {
auto_delete_on_idle = "P7D"
dead_lettering_on_message_expiration = true
default_message_ttl = "PT5M"
duplicate_detection_history_time_window = "PT5M"
enable_batched_operations = true
enable_express = true
enable_partitioning = true
lock_duration = "PT5M"
requires_duplicate_detection = true
requires_session = false
max_delivery_count = 10
max_message_size_in_kilobytes = 1024
max_size_in_megabytes = 1024
status = "Active"
forward_to = "forwardQueue"
forward_dead_lettered_messages_to = "forwardQueue"
role_assignments = {
"key" = {
skip_service_principal_aad_check = false
role_definition_id_or_name = "Contributor"
description = "This is a test role assignment"
principal_id = "eb5260bd-41f3-4019-9e03-606a617aec13"
authorization_rules = {
testRule = {
send = true
listen = true
manage = true
name = optional(string, null)
max_delivery_count = optional(number, 10)
enable_batched_operations = optional(bool, true)
requires_duplicate_detection = optional(bool, false)
requires_session = optional(bool, false)
dead_lettering_on_message_expiration = optional(bool, false)
enable_partitioning = optional(bool, null)
enable_express = optional(bool, null)
max_message_size_in_kilobytes = optional(number, null)
default_message_ttl = optional(string, null)
forward_to = optional(string, null)
forward_dead_lettered_messages_to = optional(string, null)
auto_delete_on_idle = optional(string, null)
max_size_in_megabytes = optional(number, 1024)
lock_duration = optional(string, "PT1M")
duplicate_detection_history_time_window = optional(string, "PT10M")
status = optional(string, "Active")
authorization_rules = optional(map(object({
name = optional(string, null)
send = optional(bool, false)
listen = optional(bool, false)
manage = optional(bool, false)
})), {})
role_assignments = optional(map(object({
role_definition_id_or_name = string
principal_id = string
description = optional(string, null)
skip_service_principal_aad_check = optional(bool, false)
delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
})), {})
Default: {}
Description: Defaults to {}
. A map of role assignments to create. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.
- (Required) - The ID or name of the role definition to assign to the principal. -
- (Required) - It's a GUID - The ID of the principal to assign the role to. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The description of the role assignment. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The delegated Azure Resource Id which contains a Managed Identity. This field is only used in cross tenant scenario. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. If the principal_id is a newly provisioned Service Principal set this value to true to skip the Azure Active Directory check which may fail due to replication lag. This argument is only valid if the principal_id is a Service Principal identity. -
- (Unsupported) -
- (Unsupported)
Note: only set
to true if you are assigning a role to a service principal.
Example Inputs:
role_assignments = {
"key" = {
skip_service_principal_aad_check = false
role_definition_id_or_name = "Contributor"
description = "This is a test role assignment"
principal_id = "eb5260bd-41f3-4019-9e03-606a617aec13"
role_definition_id_or_name = string
principal_id = string
description = optional(string, null)
skip_service_principal_aad_check = optional(bool, false)
delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
principal_type = optional(string, null) # forced to be here by lint, not supported
condition = optional(string, null) # forced to be here by lint, not supported
condition_version = optional(string, null) # forced to be here by lint, not supported
Default: {}
Description: Defaults to Premium
. Defines which tier to use. Options are Basic, Standard or Premium.
Please note that setting this field to Premium will force the creation of a new resource.
Type: string
Default: "Premium"
Description: Defaults to {}
. A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. These tags will propagate to any child resource unless overriden when creating the child resource
Example Inputs:
tags = {
environment = "testing"
Type: map(string)
Default: null
Description: - create
- (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when creating the ServiceBus Namespace.
- (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when deleting the ServiceBus
- (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when retrieving the ServiceBus Namespace.update
- (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when updating the ServiceBus Namespace.
create = optional(string)
delete = optional(string)
read = optional(string)
update = optional(string)
Default: null
Description: Defaults to {}
. Ignored for Basic. A map of topics to create.
The name of the topic must be unique among topics and queues within the namespace.
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Specifies the name of the ServiceBus Topic resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. If it is null it will use the map key as the name. -
- (Optional) - Always set to256
for Standard by Azure. It's mininum and also defaults is1024
with maximum value of102400
for Premium. Integer value which controls the maximum size of a message allowed on the Topic. -
- (Optional) - Defaults to1024
. Possible values are1024
. Integer value which controls the size of memory allocated for the Topic. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether the Topic requires duplicate detection. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Mininum value ofPT5S
(5 seconds) and maximum ofP10675198D
(10675198 days). Setnull
for never. The ISO 8601 timespan duration of the TTL of messages sent to this topic. This is the default value used when TTL is not set on message itself. -
- (Optional) - Defaults toPT10M
(10 minutes). Minimun ofPT20S
(seconds) and Maximun ofP7D
(7 days). The ISO 8601 timespan duration during which duplicates can be detected. -
- (Optional) - Defaults toActive
. The status of the Topic. Possible values are Active, Creating, Deleting, Disabled, ReceiveDisabled, Renaming, SendDisabled, Unknown. -
- (Optional) - Defaults totrue
. Boolean flag which controls whether server-side batched operations are enabled. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Minimum ofPT5M
(5 minutes) and maximum ofP10675198D
(10675198 days). Setnull
for never. The ISO 8601 timespan duration of the idle interval after which the Topic is automatically deleted. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
for Standard. For Premium if premium_messaging_partitions is greater than1
it will always be set to true if not it will be set tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether to enable the topic to be partitioned across multiple message brokers. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
for Standard. Always set tofalse
for Premium. Boolean flag which controls whether Express Entities are enabled. An express topic holds a message in memory temporarily before writing it to persistent storage. -
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether the Topic supports ordering. -
- (Optional) - Defaults to{}
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Specifies the name of the ServiceBus Topic Authorization Rule resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. If it is null it will use the map key as the name.send
- (Optional) - Always set totrue
when manage istrue
if not it will default tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Listen permissions to the ServiceBus Topic?listen
- (Optional) - Always set totrue
when manage istrue
if not it will default tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Send permissions to the ServiceBus Topic?manage
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Does this Authorization Rule have Manage permissions to the ServiceBus Topic?
subscriptions - (Optional) - Defaults to
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Specifies the name of the ServiceBus Subscription resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. If it is null it will use the map key as the name.max\_delivery\_count
- (Optional) - Defaults to10
. Minimum of1
and Maximun of2147483647
. Integer value which controls when a message is automatically dead lettered.dead\_lettering\_on\_filter\_evaluation\_error
- (Optional) - Defaults totrue
. Boolean flag which controls whether the Subscription has dead letter support on filter evaluation exceptionsdead\_lettering\_on\_message\_expiration
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether the Subscription has dead letter support when a message expires.enable\_batched\_operations
- (Optional) - Defaults totrue
. Boolean flag which controls whether the Subscription supports batched operations.requires\_session
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. Boolean flag which controls whether this Subscription supports the concept of a session. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.forward\_to
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The name of a Queue or Topic to automatically forward messages to.forward\_dead\_lettered\_messages\_to
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The name of a Queue or Topic to automatically forward dead lettered messages toauto\_delete\_on\_idle
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Minimum ofPT5M
(5 minutes) and maximum ofP10675198D
(10675198 days). Setnull
for never. The ISO 8601 timespan duration of the idle interval after which the Topic is automatically deleted.default\_message\_ttl
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. Mininum value ofPT5S
(5 seconds) and maximum ofP10675198D
(10675198 days). Setnull
for never. The ISO 8601 timespan duration of the TTL of messages sent to this queue. This is the default value used when TTL is not set on message itself.lock\_duration
- (Optional) - Its minimum and default value isPT1M
(1 minute). Maximum value isPT5M
(5 minutes). The ISO 8601 timespan duration of a peek-lock; that is, the amount of time that the message is locked for other receivers.status
- (Optional) - Defaults toActive
. The status of the Subscription. Possible values are Active, ReceiveDisabled, Disabled.
role\_assignments - (Optional) - Defaults to
{}`. A map of role assignments to create. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.role_definition_id_or_name
- (Required) - The ID or name of the role definition to assign to the principal.principal_id
- (Required) - It's a GUID - The ID of the principal to assign the role to.description
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The description of the role assignment.delegated_managed_identity_resource_id
- (Optional) - Defaults tonull
. The delegated Azure Resource Id which contains a Managed Identity. This field is only used in cross tenant scenario. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.skip_service_principal_aad_check
- (Optional) - Defaults tofalse
. If the principal_id is a newly provisioned Service Principal set this value to true to skip the Azure Active Directory check which may fail due to replication lag. This argument is only valid if the principal_id is a Service Principal identity.
Example Inputs:
topics = {
testTopic = {
auto_delete_on_idle = "P7D"
default_message_ttl = "PT5M"
duplicate_detection_history_time_window = "PT5M"
enable_batched_operations = true
enable_express = false
enable_partitioning = true
requires_duplicate_detection = true
max_message_size_in_kilobytes = 1024
max_size_in_megabytes = 1024
status = "Active"
support_ordering = true
subscriptions = {
testSubscription = {
dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_error = true
dead_lettering_on_message_expiration = true
default_message_ttl = "PT5M"
enable_batched_operations = true
lock_duration = "PT1M"
max_delivery_count = 100
status = "Active"
auto_delete_on_idle = "P7D"
requires_session = false
forward_dead_lettered_messages_to = "forwardTopic"
forward_to = "forwardTopic"
role_assignments = {
"key" = {
skip_service_principal_aad_check = false
role_definition_id_or_name = "Contributor"
description = "This is a test role assignment"
principal_id = "eb5260bd-41f3-4019-9e03-606a617aec13"
authorization_rules = {
testRule = {
send = true
listen = true
manage = true
name = optional(string, null)
enable_batched_operations = optional(bool, true)
requires_duplicate_detection = optional(bool, false)
enable_partitioning = optional(bool, null)
enable_express = optional(bool, null)
support_ordering = optional(bool, false)
max_message_size_in_kilobytes = optional(number, null)
default_message_ttl = optional(string, null)
auto_delete_on_idle = optional(string, null)
max_size_in_megabytes = optional(number, 1024)
duplicate_detection_history_time_window = optional(string, "PT10M")
status = optional(string, "Active")
authorization_rules = optional(map(object({
name = optional(string, null)
send = optional(bool, false)
listen = optional(bool, false)
manage = optional(bool, false)
})), {})
subscriptions = optional(map(object({
name = optional(string, null)
max_delivery_count = optional(number, 10)
dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_error = optional(bool, true)
enable_batched_operations = optional(bool, true)
dead_lettering_on_message_expiration = optional(bool, false)
requires_session = optional(bool, false)
forward_to = optional(string, null)
forward_dead_lettered_messages_to = optional(string, null)
auto_delete_on_idle = optional(string, null)
default_message_ttl = optional(string, null)
lock_duration = optional(string, "PT1M")
status = optional(string, "Active")
})), {})
role_assignments = optional(map(object({
role_definition_id_or_name = string
principal_id = string
description = optional(string, null)
skip_service_principal_aad_check = optional(bool, false)
delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
})), {})
Default: {}
The following outputs are exported:
Description: The service bus namespace created. More info:
Description: The service bus namespace authorization rules created. More info:
Description: The diagnostic settings created. More info:
Description: The resource ID of the service bus namespace created.
Description: The management locks created. More info:
Description: A map of the private endpoints created. More info:
Description: The private endpoint application security group associations created
Description: The service bus queues created. More info:
Description: The service bus queues authorization rules created. More info:
Description: The role assignments created. More info:
Description: The service bus topics created. More info:
Description: The service bus topics authorization rules created. More info:
Description: The service bus topic subscriptions created. More info:
No modules.
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