9 different subjects, which all aim to help us learn CPP. The first oriented-object language we learn in 42 curriculum.
Pick any subject you want, and any exerice and build the executable using make
and launch it. Every executable should be provided with it's own tests.
You can also use make_all.sh
or clean_all.sh
to build / clean all executables
Notions : Namespaces, classes, fonctions membres, stdio streams, initialization lists, static, const, and other bases.
Exercices : Megaphone, Phonebook and Bank accounts.
Notions : Memory allocation, pointer on members, references and switch
Exercices : Zombies hordes, Brain, Useless violence, SED, and Harl.
Notions : Polymorphism, operator overload, and canonical form.
Exercices : Fixed point numbers and BSP.
Notions : Heritage
Exercices : ClapTrap, ScavTrap, FragTrap and DiamondTrap.
Notions : Polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces
Exercices : Cats, Dogs and AMateria.
Notions : Repetitions and exceptions.
Exercices : Bureaucrat, Forms and Interns.
Notions : Casts.
Exercices : Scalars, serialization and types.
Notions : Templates
Exercices : whatever, iter and array.
Notions : STL containers.
Exercices : Containers.