File manager that allows to work with the file system in its pure form.
- command line interface ;
- navigate through directories;
- show the contents of the current directory;
- create a folder/file;
- to display the contents of the file;
- delete a folder/file;
- write text information to a file;
- search for a file by name in the current directory and its subdirectories and output the path to the file;
- display information about a given file:
- the way;
- access rights;
- file type;
- time of creation and / or modification;
- size;
- to display information about directory:
- size;
- the way;
- number of files inside;
- access rights;
$ my-best-file-manager ~/
/users/my_user/ > help
cd <folder> -- go to directory
dir -- show the contents of the current directory
ls <folder> -- show the contents of the selected directory
create-folder "folder-name" -- create a directory in the current folder
cat <file> -- show file contents
create-file "file-name" -- create an empty file in the current directory
remove <folder | file> -- delete the selected directory or file
write-file <file> "text" -- write text to a file
find-file "file-name" -- search for a file in the current directory and subdirectories
information <file> -- show information about the file
information <folder> -- show directory information
help -- show usage guide
exit -- program shutdown
/users/my_user/ > cd folder-that-exist
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > dir
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > ls a
a is not a folder
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > cat a
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > cd no-folder
no-folder does not exist
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > create-file d
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > dir
/users/my_user/folder-that-exist > exit