Hive is a new kind of coding school in Helsinki sponsored by Supercell, based on the revolutionary education model of the French school Ecole 42.
We mainly learn the C language by exchanging with other students, browsing documentation or doing research on the internet. You learn how to be independent but also to work in a team. We improve our management of priorities and management of our time. You learn a lot about yourself and your motivation, your courage, and your frustrations.
It was an incredible experience and a revelation. Coding and solving everyday problems is fun. School is demanding in terms of time and personal involvement. You have to be present every day. You cannot succeed without others. Hive makes it possible to exchange and conform to another point of view, which will allow me to grow even more.
# Projects | Topics |
Basecamp | Piscine at HIVE(July 2021) |
Piscine Reloaded | Redo projects from the piscine |
Libft | A complete and continuously updated user-made C library, with extensions beyond the standard library |
Get Next Line | This is about programming a function that returns a line from a file descriptor |
Fillit | Searching the optimal fit of Tetriminos in the smallest square possible, in a time efficient manner |
ft printf | Rebuilt your own version of the function printf |
Filler | Create your player program to compete against other students on the famous (or not) Filler board. |
Lem-in | We make an ant farm, with tunnels and rooms; we place the ants on one side; and we look at how they find the exit. |
Corewar | This project involves creating a virtual arena, and having simplistic-language programs fight each other. You will get acquainted with VM conception (with the instructions it recognizes, the registers, etc.) and compilation problems of an assembly language in bytecode. In bonus, you’ll have the pleasure of having your champions fight in the arena. |
Init | This first project, init, will give you the opportunity to discover system and network basic commands, mayof the services used on server machine, as well as a few ideas of scripts that can be useful for SysAdmins on daily basis. |
RogerSkyline | This second project, roger-skyline-1 let you install a Virtual Machine, discover the basics about system and network administration as well as a lots of services used on a server machine. |