The BESSER-User-Modeling language provides a unified user modeling language to model users in a comprehensive way, covering numerous user dimensions. The complete metamodel is available in multiple formats:
- Editable version:
- PNG version of file:
- B-UML version:
- Image of condensed metamodel, providing an overview of the dimension categories:
The metamodel consists of the following dimension categories:
- Personal Information
- Accessibility
- Personality
- Competence
- Culture
- Goal
- MoodStatus
- EmotionStatus
- Preference
Information on starting the provided application is available in the frontend's folder.
The modeling language was mainly created based on the results from a systematic literature review on user modeling in model-driven engineering: User Modeling in Model-Driven Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review.
A concrete mapping of user dimension to reference is available in the individual folders of the dimension categories.