Browser application inspired by imdb. Allows users to search and view movie details. Allows users to search movies using API databases (imdb-api, omdb-api). Allows users to rate and leave reviews to selected movies.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Express | EJS | Mongoose | MongoDB | Axios | Bcryptjs | imdb-api | omdb-api
- As a user, I want to see all the movies in the database.
- As a user, I want to select a movie & see all its details.
- As a user, I want to have the ability to create a new review.
- As a user, I want to have the ability to edit/update a review.
- As a user, I want to have the ability to delete a review.
Set up Express Boilerplate
Set up MongoDB
Create Movie Schema
- Index page (all movies in database)
- Show page (one movie, details, reviews)
- New page (create new movie for database)
- Edit page (edit movie from database)
- Store movie objects into MongoDB
Create Review Schema
- Index page (all reviews in database)
- Show page (one review, details)
- New page (create new review for database)
- Edit page (edit review from database)
- Store review objects into MongoDB
Link Reviews to single Movie
Adjust Movies & Reviews routes to match user story
Create User Schema
- Register page (create new user for database)
- Store user objects into MongoDB
- SignIn page (allow user to sign in using existing data in database)
- User session object
User movie list
- index page (all movies in list)
- new page (create new movie list)
- edit page (update movie list)
Link OMDB-api & imdb-api to application
- Find movie data using APIs
- Store movie data from imdb-api into MongoDB
Link Reviews to single User
- User authentication needed for specific controller routes
Application Usage
- Navigate to deployed web app
- Search for movies and add to movie database
- Register to write/edit/delete reviews
Contributor Usage
- Fork and Clone Repo to your local repository
- Intitalize Repo (npm init)
- Install dependencies (npm i)
- env (MongoDB_URI, PORT, imdb-api key, omdb-api key)
- Create development branch
- Make pull request