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JaquelineP edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 4 revisions



  • All script-components have same width.
  • Components should ordered in columns.

Design Protoype (Bastians prototypes):

  • 3 versions: only titel, titel and "workspace", only "workspace"


  • Question: Who work at which Files? (in Lively Kernel Repo)
  • Interesting fact: connection between tow data depending on a third value


Layout/ Desgin Protype

  • just 2 versions: only titel, titel and "workspace"
  • merge script like 05_c.pdf
  • instead of data variable use INPUT and OUTPUT (=last expression)
  • don't implement coffeescript, (beacuse have to write internal functionality in Javascript) but use underscore

9.01 afternoon

Presentation outline:

  1. repeat data flow idea

  2. descripe userstory

  3. show old version of component of userstory

  4. show new version of component of userstory

  5. repeat 2. 3. and 4.

  6. show scenario as a result of all userstories

  7. discuss "connecting" component

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