This is an addon for the SimplePets v5 plugin. This allows the plugin to link into the PlotSquared plugin to allow/deny certain events (spawn/move)
- PlotSquared Plugin
(At least v6.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
# Should there be ANY checks for when a pet is spawned
enabled: true
# Should the addon check if the player can spawn the pet on the road
roads: false
# Should the addon check if the player can spawn the pet on an unclaimed plot
unclaimed: false
# Should there be ANY checks for when a pet is moving
enabled: true
# If any of the checks fail, should the pet in question be removed?
remove-pet: true
# Should the addon check if the pet can move/walk on the road
roads: false
# Should the addon check if the pet can move/walk on an unclaimed plot
unclaimed: false
# Should the addon check if the pet can move/walk on a plot their owner is denied on
denied: true
# This is the master permission, Will ignore all individual bypass permissions listed below
master: pet.plotsquared.bypass
# This is the master permission for when a pet is spawned, Will ignore all individual bypass permissions listed below
master: pet.plotsquared.spawn
# This is the bypass permission for when a pet is spawned on the road, If a player has this they will be allowed to spawn the pet on the road
road: pet.plotsquared.spawn.road
# This is the bypass permission for when a pet is spawned on an unclaimed plot, If a player has this they will be allowed to spawn the pet on an unclaimed plot
unclaimed: pet.plotsquared.spawn.unclaimed
# This is the master permission for when a pet is moving, Will ignore all individual bypass permissions listed below
master: pet.plotsquared.move
# This is the bypass permission for when a pet is moving on the road
road: pet.plotsquared.move.road
# This is the bypass permission for when a pet is moving on an unclaimed plot
unclaimed: pet.plotsquared.move.unclaimed
# This is the bypass permission for when a pet is moving on a plot the owner is denied on
denied: pet.plotsquared.move.denied