Releases: BVantur/inspektify
Releases · BVantur/inspektify
Features 🚀
- Shortcut functionality for mobile clients
- Search functionality added to Network traffic details screen
- Text selection enabled for the content of Network traffic details screen
- Updated Readme file with a new way of configuring InspektifyKtor plugin
What's Changed
- [67] Shortcut capability by @BVantur in #72
- Add selection on longpress inside of transaction details screen by @BVantur in #73
- Add search functionality inside details screen by @BVantur in #74
- Readme update by @BVantur in #75
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta04...1.0.0-beta05
Features 🚀
- Use of stable Ktor 3.0.0 version
- Pretty print of request and response payloads
What's Changed
- [69] Add support for stable Ktor 3.0.0 version by @BVantur in #70
- [68] Pretty format of payload for presentation by @BVantur in #71
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta03...1.0.0-beta04
Features 🚀
- Add implementation for JVM target
- Add enhanced search capability with quick search suggestion actions
- [61] Add search capability to list view by @BVantur in #62
- [63] Improve search with suggestion chips by @BVantur in #64
- Implement clean guidelines for the library by @BVantur in #65
- [53] Support for desktop by @BVantur in #66
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta02...1.0.0-beta03
Features 🚀
- Add capability to configure retention policy for database data
- Add share functionality to the Network Transactions details screen
- Add generate and share cURL command functionality to the Network Transactions details screen
- Small redesign of user actions on the Network Transactions details screen
- [54] Add curl and share capability. Fix formatting of Network transaction text by @BVantur in #55
- [56] BUGFIX: remove resources from the library by @BVantur in #59
- [58] Add retention policy configuration by @BVantur in #60
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta01...1.0.0-beta02
Features 🚀
- Observe network communication from the app directly on your device
- Preserve network communication data across sessions
- Copy network transaction details to the clipboard
- Support for iOS and Android
- Ktlint integration by @BVantur in #10
- [7] Add detekt to the project with updated pre-commit hook by @BVantur in #11
- [8] Add konsist to the project by @BVantur in #12
- [9] Add CI KMP project by @BVantur in #13
- Rename the project by @BVantur in #14
- [1] Add shake listener to android client by @BVantur in #15
- [16] Add plugin for Ktor for Inspektify by @BVantur in #17
- [22] Change project from application to library by @BVantur in #23
- [20] Add sample project to our repository by @BVantur in #26
- [18] implement request intercepting and parsing of http request by @BVantur in #28
- [19] feat: add parsing of response by @BVantur in #29
- [30] Add persistent storage of network transactions by @BVantur in #31
- [32] List of all network traffic from the app by @BVantur in #33
- [34] Add details screen by @BVantur in #38
- [2] Shake detection listener for iOS by @BVantur in #39
- [40] Add logging configuration for the library by @BVantur in #41
- Update readme file by @BVantur in #43
- Update readme file by @BVantur in #44
- [42] publish first version of the library by @BVantur in #47
- [48] make visual difference for logs that are from active session by @BVantur in #50
- [51] perform a cleanup of the project by @BVantur in #52