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- 모집 인원간 실시간 채팅
- 모집 글에 참가한 경우 모집 인원간 어떻게 시키고 어디서 모일것인지 상세하게 의견을 주고받기 위해 실시간 채팅 기능을 제공합니다
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- 상호 리뷰
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- 해당 별점 리뷰는 모집글을 올리는 사람의 별점에 영향을 미쳐, 해당 사용자에 대한 신뢰성을 확인하는 용도로 사용될 수 있습니다
- Kotlin
- Clean Architecture With MVVM Pattern
- 허동준(@DongJun-H)
Clone this repository and import into Android Studio
git clone [email protected]:BaedalMate/BaedalMate_Android.git
- Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 2
- Kotlin 1.5.30
- minSdkVersion : 28
- targetSdkVersion : 33
- Create issue
- Create branch for each issue (feature/issue-#) -> eg) feature/issue-1
- After develop merged, Delete branch
- [feat] : Add new feature
- [layout] : Add and modify layout and xml
- [bug] : Error fix
- [doc] : Add and modify documents
- [refactor] : code Refactoring
- [style] : NO CODE CHANGE. code formatting, convert tabs to spaces, etc
- [chore] : NO CODE CHANGE. updating grunt tasks, etc
- [test] : Add test code
- commit message rule
- Don't use a period
- Write a command without using the past tense. example) "Fixed" -> "Fix", "Added" -> "Add"
- commit message Example : #issue number {issue title} e.g. #1 [layout] MainActivity
Basic Principle : (what) _ (where) _ (description) _ (size)
layout : (what) _ (where).xml e.g. activity_main.xml
drawables : (what) _ (description) _ (size) e.g. ic_notify_icon_24
ids : (what)_ (where) _ (description) e.g. tv_main_nickname
strings : (where) _ (description)
color : (description) _ (colorCode) e.g. white_FFFFFF
textView → tv / EditText → et / RecyclerView → rv / ImageView → img / Button → btn
state list drawable → selector_(where) _ (what) e.g. selector_main_button
shape drawable → border _(color) _ ([fill/line/fill_line]) _ (radius) e.g. border_white_fill_12