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fixed sparse QRCP example
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rileyjmurray committed May 29, 2024
1 parent 09244d3 commit 8966842
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 55 deletions.
144 changes: 89 additions & 55 deletions examples/sparse-low-rank-approx/
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Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ using std::chrono::microseconds;

#define DOUT(_d) std::setprecision(8) << _d

std::string parse_args(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc > 1) {
return std::string{argv[1]};
} else {
return "../sparse-data-matrices/N_reactome/N_reactome.mtx";
auto parse_args(int argc, char** argv) {
std::string mat{"../sparse-data-matrices/N_reactome/N_reactome.mtx"};
int k = 4;
if (argc > 1)
k = atoi(argv[1]);
if (argc > 2)
mat = argv[2];
return std::make_tuple(mat, k);

template <typename T>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,23 +101,45 @@ int sketch_orthogonalize_rows(int64_t m, int64_t n, T* A, T* work, int64_t d, in
// work has at least m*d space.
randblas_require(d >= 2);
randblas_require(d >= m);
std::vector<T> tau(d, 0.0);
int64_t vec_nnz = std::min(d/2, (int64_t) 4);
RandBLAS::SparseDist D{n, d, vec_nnz};
RandBLAS::SparseSkOp<T> S(D, state);
//RandBLAS::util::print_colmaj(m, n, A, "A, before : ");
// Simple option (shown here):
// Sketch A in column-major format, then do LQ on the sketch.
// If the sketch looks singular after we decompose it, then we bite the bullet and do LQ on A.
// Fancy option (for a later implementation):
// Compute the sketch in row-major format (this is lying about A's format, but we resolve that by setting transA=T).
// Look at the row-major sketch, interpret it as a transposed column-major sketch, factor the "implicitly de-transposed" version by GEQP3,
// then implicitly transpose back to get the factors for row-pivoted LQ of A_sk:
// A_sk = P R^* Q^*
// Apply M = inv(P R^*) = inv(R^*) P^* to the left of A by TRSM.
// If rank(A) = rank(A_sk) = m, then in exact arithmetic the conditioning of MA should be independent from
// that of A. However, there can be a positive correlation between cond(MA) and cond(A) in finite-precision.
// This happens when cond(A) is very large, and may warrant truncating rows of MA.
// There are many ways to select the size of that row-block. Two options jump out:
// 1. Compute (or estimate) the numerical rank of R by a reliable method of your choosing.
// 2. Proceed in a similar vein as CQRRPT: estimate the condition number of leading row blocks of MA
// by forming the Gram matrix (MA)(MA)^*, doing Cholesky on it, and computing or estimating the
// condition numbers of leading submatrices of the Cholesky factor.
RandBLAS::sketch_general(blas::Layout::ColMajor, blas::Op::NoTrans, blas::Op::NoTrans, m, d, n, 1.0, A, m, S, 0.0, work, m);
// TODO: use an appropriate version of GEQP3 (must row-pivot instead of column-pivot).
std::vector<T> tau(d, 0.0);
lapack::gelqf(m, d, work, m,;
T tol = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()*100;
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
randblas_require(std::abs(work[i*m + i]) >= tol);
//RandBLAS::util::print_colmaj(m, d, work, "work : ");
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
if (std::abs(work[i*m + i]) < tol) {
// We can't safely invert. Fall back on LQ of A.
qr_row_stabilize(m, n, A,;
std::cout << "\n----> Could not safely sketch-orthogonalize. Falling back on GELQF instead.\n\n";
return 1;
// L is in the lower triangle of work.
// Need to transform
// A <- inv(L)A
blas::trsm(blas::Layout::ColMajor, blas::Side::Left, blas::Uplo::Lower, blas::Op::NoTrans, blas::Diag::NonUnit, m, n, 1.0, work, m, A, m);
//RandBLAS::util::print_colmaj(m, n, A, "A, after : ");
return 0;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +261,26 @@ void power_iter_col_sketch(SpMat &A, int64_t k, T* Y, int64_t p_data_aware, STAT

template <typename T>
void print_row_norms(T* mat, int64_t m, int64_t n, std::string s) {
std::cout << "Row norms for " << s << " : np.array([";
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m-1; ++i) {
std::cout << DOUT(blas::nrm2(n, mat + i, m)) << ", ";
std::cout << DOUT(blas::nrm2(n, mat + i, m)) << "]) " << std::endl;

void print_pivots(int64_t *piv, int64_t k) {
std::cout << "Pivots : np.array([";
int i;
for (i = 0; i < k-1; ++i) {
std::cout << piv[i]-1 << ", ";
std::cout << piv[i]-1 << "])" << std::endl;

template <typename T, typename SpMat>
void sketch_to_tqrcp(SpMat &A, int64_t k, T* Q, int64_t ldq, T* Y, int64_t ldy, int64_t *piv) {
// On input, Y is a left-sketch of A.
Expand All @@ -257,14 +301,12 @@ void sketch_to_tqrcp(SpMat &A, int64_t k, T* Q, int64_t ldq, T* Y, int64_t ldy,
T* tau = new T[n]{};
T* precond = new T[k * k]{};

// ================================================================
// Step 1: get the pivots
lapack::geqp3(k, n, Y, ldy, piv, tau), "GEQP3 : ")
for (int64_t j = 0; j < k; j++) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
precond[i + k*j] = Y[i + k*j];

// ================================================================
// Step 2: copy A(:, piv(0)-1), ..., A(:, piv(k)-1) into dense Q
for (int64_t j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
RandBLAS::util::safe_scal(m, 0.0, Q + j*ldq, 1);
Expand All @@ -273,20 +315,26 @@ void sketch_to_tqrcp(SpMat &A, int64_t k, T* Q, int64_t ldq, T* Y, int64_t ldy,
Q[i + ldq*j] = A.vals[ell];

// ================================================================
// Step 3: get explicit representation of orth(Q).
bool chol_orth = false;
if (chol_orth) {
// Apply a preconditioner
blas::trsm(Layout::ColMajor, Side::Right, Uplo::Upper, Op::NoTrans, blas::Diag::NonUnit, m, k, 1.0, precond, k, Q, ldq);
// safely cholesky-orthogonalize (we don't care about R from a hypothetical CholeskyQR)
blas::syrk(Layout::ColMajor, Uplo::Upper, Op::Trans, k, m, 1.0, Q, ldq, 0.0, precond, k);
blas::trsm(Layout::ColMajor, Side::Right, Uplo::Upper, Op::NoTrans, blas::Diag::NonUnit, m, k, 1.0, precond, k, Q, ldq);
} else {
lapack::geqrf(m, k, Q, ldq, tau);
lapack::ungqr(m, k, k, Q, ldq, tau);
"getQ : ")
// Extract a preconditioner from the QRCP decomposition of Y.
for (int64_t j = 0; j < k; j++) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
precond[i + k*j] = Y[i + k*j];
// Apply the preconditioner: Q = Q / precond.
blas::trsm(Layout::ColMajor, Side::Right, Uplo::Upper, Op::NoTrans, blas::Diag::NonUnit, m, k, 1.0, precond, k, Q, ldq);
// Cholesky-orthogonalize the preconditioned matrix:
// precond = chol(Q' * Q, "upper")
// Q = Q / precond.
blas::syrk(Layout::ColMajor, Uplo::Upper, Op::Trans, k, m, 1.0, Q, ldq, 0.0, precond, k);
lapack::potrf(Uplo::Upper, k, precond, k);
blas::trsm(Layout::ColMajor, Side::Right, Uplo::Upper, Op::NoTrans, blas::Diag::NonUnit, m, k, 1.0, precond, k, Q, ldq), "getQ : ")

// ================================================================
// Step 4: multiply Y = Q'A and pivot Y = Y(:, piv)
RandBLAS::right_spmm(Layout::ColMajor, Op::Trans, Op::NoTrans, k, n, m, 1.0, Q, ldq, A, 0, 0, 0.0, Y, ldy);
Expand All @@ -298,64 +346,50 @@ void sketch_to_tqrcp(SpMat &A, int64_t k, T* Q, int64_t ldq, T* Y, int64_t ldy,

int runall(int argc, char** argv, StabilizationMethod sm) {
auto fn = parse_args(argc, argv);
auto [fn, _k] = parse_args(argc, argv);
auto mat_coo = from_matrix_market<double>(fn);
auto m = mat_coo.n_rows;
auto n = mat_coo.n_cols;
RandBLAS::CSCMatrix<double> mat_csc(m, n);
RandBLAS::conversions::coo_to_csc(mat_coo, mat_csc);
Effect of various parameters on performance:
It's EXTREMELY important to use -O3 if you want reasonably
fast sparse matrix conversion inside RandBLAS. We're talking
a more-than-10x speedup.

// std::cout << "\nn_rows : " << mat_coo.n_rows << std::endl;
// std::cout << "n_cols : " << mat_coo.n_cols << std::endl;
// double density = ((double) mat_coo.nnz) / ((double) (mat_coo.n_rows * mat_coo.n_cols));
// std::cout << "density : " << DOUT(density) << std::endl << std::endl;

// Run the randomized algorithm!
int64_t k = 4;
int64_t k = (int64_t) _k;
double *Q = new double[m*k]{};
double *R = new double[k*n]{};
int64_t *piv = new int64_t[n]{};
RandBLAS::RNGState<r123::Philox4x32> state(0);
int64_t i;

auto start_timer = std_clock::now();
power_iter_col_sketch(mat_csc, k, R, 1, state, Q, sm), "\n\tpower iter sketch : ")
std::cout << "Row norms for Y = SA : np.array([";
for (i = 0; i < k-1; ++i) {
std::cout << DOUT(blas::nrm2(n, R + i, k)) << ", ";
std::cout << DOUT(blas::nrm2(n, R + i, k)) << "]) " << std::endl;
print_row_norms(R, k, n, "Yf");
sketch_to_tqrcp(mat_csc, k, Q, m, R, k, piv), "\n\tsketch to QRCP : ")
auto stop_timer = std_clock::now();
double runtime = (double) duration_cast<microseconds>(stop_timer - start_timer).count();
//std::cout << "\nTotal runtime : " << DOUT(runtime / 1e6) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Row norms for R : np.array([";
for (i = 0; i < k-1; ++i) {
std::cout << DOUT(blas::nrm2(n, R + i, k)) << ", ";
std::cout << DOUT(blas::nrm2(n, R + i, k)) << "]) " << std::endl;
print_row_norms(R, k, n, "R");
//RandBLAS::util::print_colmaj(k, k, R, "leading k-by-k submatrix of R");
std::cout << "Pivots : np.array([";
for (i = 0; i < k-1; ++i) {
std::cout << piv[i]-1 << ", ";
std::cout << piv[i]-1 << "])" << std::endl << std::endl;
print_pivots(piv, k);
std::cout << std::endl;

delete [] Q;
delete [] R;
delete [] piv;
return 0;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "\nLQ:\n";
runall(argc, argv, StabilizationMethod::LQ);
std::cout << "RandCholQR:\n";
runall(argc, argv, StabilizationMethod::sketch);
std::cout << "Nothing:\n";
runall(argc, argv, StabilizationMethod::None);

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