This project emulates a Drosophila Activity Monitoring (DAM) system using OpenCV and a low spec 1 FPS camera. It was commissioned by a sleep study lab in University of Tsukuba, Japan. Its is able to analyze both a camera stream and a video file passed to it as arguments.
Read about what a DAM system is here:
Video used to test program:
- ( PATHTOFILE | cameraID ) ( int FramesToRun) ( CSVFilename )
PATHTOFILE: should be the path to file or just the filename if in same directory
cameraID: should be an integer ID of the camera connected to the laptop if reading from camera
FramesToRun: Frames to run program, should be "endless" if running indefinitely
CSVFilename: Name of csv filename to save to, program will append '.csv' to end automatically
EXAMPLE FOR VIDEO STREAM: Tests/flyvideo1.avi 3600 flys.csv
EXAMPLE FOR CAMERA STREAM: 0 endless flys.csv
WARNING: Program will overwrite csv files with filename in directory without warning, please move csv files out of directory after each experiment
- Strange results may occur if any of the boxes overlap
- Please do not click cancel on labeling window for now
3. Let camera run with program for the duration of the experiment, avoid disturbing lighting condition
- Frames to set flies to asleep can be changed by changing value of TIMEOUT inside
- Program will only save to a csv file every 5 new entrys to the log by default