Example TTY (terminal) data streaming code for the Bare Conductive Pi Cap. Streams touch and proximity data from the Pi Cap to stdout.
- Requires python-dev (
apt-get install python-dev
) - Requires WiringPi (
apt-get install wiringpi
) - Requires Bare Conductive's MPR121 libary for WiringPi
- You should install this code as part of the Pi Cap Raspbian package:
sudo apt-get install picap
- However, if you are doing this yourself, clone the repository and follow the usage instructions.
python datastream-tty
N.B. must be run as root
TOUCH: electrode touch values (0 not touched, 1 touched)
TTHS: electrode touch thresholds (0..255)
RTHS: electrode release thresholds (0..255)
FDAT: electrode filtered data (0..1023)
BVAL: electrode baseline values (0..1023)
DIFF: BVAL - FDAT (0..1023)