Touch-to-MP3 code for the Bare Conductive Touch Board playing a random track from fixed folders on the microSD card.
You need twelve folders named E0 to E11 in the root of the microSD card. Each of these folders can have as many MP3 files in as you like, named however you like (as long as they have a .mp3 file extension).
When you touch electrode E0, a random file from the E0 folder will play. When you touch electrode E1, a random file from the E1 folder will play, and so on. You should note that this is not the same file structure as for Touch_MP3.
SD card
│ some_mp3.mp3
│ another_mp3.mp3
│ dog-barking-1.mp3
│ dog-barking-2.mp3
│ dog-growling.mp3
│ dog-howling.mp3
│ 1.mp3
│ 2.mp3
│ 3.mp3
│ 4.mp3
│ 5.mp3
│ 6.mp3
└──...and so on for other electrodes
- You should make sure that you have followed our Setting up Arduino with your Touch Board tutorial before using this (or any other) of our code examples
Close the Arduino IDE if you have it open.
Download the .zip or clone the repository to your local machine - if downloading the .zip, extract the contents somewhere that suits you.
Take the Random_Touch_MP3 folder and move it to Arduino Sketchbook Folder. This will be different for each operating system:
My Documents\Arduino
Linux (Ubuntu)
If this folder does not exist, create it first.
Reopen the Arduino IDE - you should now be able to open the sketch in the File -> Sketchbook menu.