AWsb clubhouse tiny tool for checking members
To get user_id, token and device, by entering phone's sms code
CLUBHOUSE_PHONENUMBER=+12344456789 python
you will get config:set xxxx from commond above
heroku create
heroku config:set CLUBHOUSE_USER_ID=12343 CLUBHOUSE_USER_TOKEN=51279ece00ef0ebd8fa2d076752c9856af941dce CLUBHOUSE_USER_DEVICE=449E6094-D7CC-4EE4-AD51-01972695E081
git push heroku main
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku open
heroku logs --tail
heroku local web
> curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '["michael0o0", "bugfree", "amy", "michael1"]'\
"data": {
"members": ["bugfree", "michael0o0"],
"no_members": ["amy", "michael1"]
"ok": true