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Release v1.0.5

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@BazzaCuda BazzaCuda released this 31 Aug 08:15
· 23 commits to main since this release

Please go to releases for the latest release.

Windows 64-bit binaries.

  • Fixed an issue on some Windows10 and Window11 machines which have a slideshow playing on the desktop, or Windows has been set to automatically change the desktop wallpaper at certain intervals. In these scenarios (and possibly others), Windows sends the mouse clicks to a completely different [hidden] window, rather than to the usual, visible desktop. As a result, CustomMenu was ignoring those mouse clicks because it didn't know they should be treated as desktop clicks. Consequently, CustomMenu wasn't appearing. (See the discussion for more info). This now appears to have been addressed. If you have similar issues with CustomMenu not appearing, please let me know in Discussions (

  • The config window now explicitly states that Icon Library files (*.icl files) are supported in the Icon Explorer window.. A new filter has been added to the Icon Explorer window, specifically for *.icl files. Icons for your CustomMenu items can be selected from EXEs, DLLs, CPLs, ICLs, OCXs and DRVs, and probably others.

  • EXPERIMENTAL: Currently, CustomMenu responds when you right-click the desktop. If you hold down a CTRL key when you right-click, the normal Windows menu will appear. This behavior can be reversed if you create a file called "ctrl-click", with no extension, in the same folder as CustomMenu.exe: a right-click will bring up the Windows menu as you would expect, and your CustomMenu will appear if you CTRL-rightclick the desktop. There are two things to note:

  1. For performance reasons, CustomMenu will only look for the "ctrl-click" file when it starts up, so if you want to try this out, you'll need to exit CustomMenu first and restart it.
  2. Normally, when you right-click on the desktop and CustomMenu appears, you can cancel the menu (or a submenu) with a left-click anywhere on the desktop (or press the Escape key). With the "ctrl-click" file present, all operations of CustomMenu will require you to hold down a CTRL key. So, you will need to CTRL-leftclick on the desktop (or press the Escape key) to cancel a menu or submenu, and you will need to CTRL-SHIFT-rightclick to close CustomMenu completely.

Any questions, issues or further suggestions for functionality, please raise them in Discussions (

p.s. I strongly recommend that you only download CustomMenu from my repository here on Github.