This is an example of how to integrate the Behavidence SDK inside any app. This app receives the mental health similarity scores. (It also has the capacity to receive the research questions using Behavidence SDK? ask Girish)
implementation files('/your Directory/BehavidenceSdk.aar')
ask for user permession "PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"
initialize the SDK by calling BehavidenceSDK.init - passing the API secret provided by Behavidence team ( via email? G/ASMAR?).
BehavidenceSDK.init(this,"api secret");
declare instance of AuthClient:
authClient = AuthClient.getInstance(this);
for the first signup anonymously by calling authClient.anonymousSignUp().execute then inside the success callback call autoUploadInit to upload the phone data automatically :
authClient.anonymousSignUp().executeAsync(new ApiCallBack<AnonymousAuth>() {
public void success(@Nullable AnonymousAuth anonymousAuth) {
if (anonymousAuth != null)
BehavidenceSDK.autoInitUpload(MainActivity.this, anonymousAuth);
public void onFailure(@NonNull RuntimeException e) {
To get the similarity scores you need to declare instance of ScoresClient and then call getSimilarityScores function :
ScoresClient scoresClient = ScoresClient.getInstance(this);
scoresClient.getSimilarityScores().executeAsync(new ApiCallBack<List<SimilarityScore>>() {
public void success(@Nullable List<SimilarityScore> similarityScores) {
//there you can use the similarityScores object
public void onFailure(@NonNull RuntimeException e) {
to get the research questions you need to declare instance of ResearchCodeClient and then call getResearchQuestions function :
ResearchCodeClient researchCodeClient = ResearchCodeClient.getInstance(this);
researchCodeClient.getResearchQuestions("ResearchCode").executeAsync(new ApiCallBack<ResearchQuestions>() {
public void success(@Nullable ResearchQuestions researchQuestions) {
List<ResearchQuestion> questions = researchQuestions.getResearchQuestions();
for(int i = 0; i < questions.size(); i++) {
ResearchQuestion RQ = questions.get(i);
public void onFailure(@NonNull RuntimeException e) {