Library Management System
This is a comprehensive microservices-based Library Management System built with Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, and modern cloud-native technologies. Through a distributed architecture, the system enables efficient management of book loans, reservations, and library operations.
Key Features
Microservices architecture with service discovery Real-time messaging using Apache Kafka Centralized configuration management User authentication and authorization External catalog integration Book management and cataloging PostgreSQL database integration
System Architecture
The system consists of the following microservices:
API Gateway: Entry point for external clients Config Server: Centralized configuration management Eureka Service: Service discovery and registration Catalog Management Service: Book catalog operations User Management Service: User authentication and management External Catalog Integration Service: Integration with external book catalogs
Getting Started
Java (JDK 11 or higher) Apache Kafka (version 3.4.0) PostgreSQL (version 12 or higher) Maven
Setting Up Kafka
1. Start Zookeeper:
/path/to/kafka/bin/ /path/to/kafka/config/
2. Start Kafka Server:
/path/to/kafka/bin/ /path/to/kafka/config/
Database Setup 1. Create PostgreSQL database and user:
CREATE DATABASE lmsbackend; CREATE USER lmsuser WITH PASSWORD 'securepassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE lmsbackend TO lmsuser;
2. Configure database properties in
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/lmsbackend spring.datasource.username=lmsuser spring.datasource.password=securepassword spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update
Running the Services
Start services in the following order: 1. Config Server: cd config-server ./mvnw spring-boot:run
2. Eureka Service (available at http://localhost:8761):
cd lmseureka ./mvnw spring-boot:run
3. Other Services:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
API Endpoints
User Management
Register User
POST /api/auth/signup Content-Type: application/json
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "password123", "role": ["user", "admin"] }
POST /api/auth/signin Content-Type: application/json
{ "username": "[email protected]", "password": "password123" }
Catalog Management
Add Book
POST /api/books Content-Type: application/json
{ "title": "Book Title", "author": "Author Name", "isbn": "1234567890", "genre": "Fiction", "price": 19.99 }
Get Book by ID
GET /api/books/{id}
Get All Books
GET /api/books
External Catalog Integration
Get Book Details by ISBN
GET /api/external-catalog/book?isbn=1234567890
Eureka Client Configuration
Kafka Configuration
Building Services
./mvnw clean package
Running JAR files
java -jar target/service-name-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
JWT-based authentication Role-based access control (USER, MODERATOR, ADMIN) Secure password storage with encryption Protected API endpoints
Service Ports
Config Server: 8082 Eureka Server: 8761 API Gateway: 8080 User Management: 8081 Catalog Management: 8083 External Catalog Integration: 8084