A sales data api built with Rails 5.1 and Ruby 2.4.1. This engine serves up record, relationship and business intelligence JSON for the included dataset.
To locally run the test suite:
- Clone down this repo
- Clone down rails-engine spec harness
- Navigate into the railes-engine directory
cd rails-engine
- Create database
rake db:setup
- Import CSV files
rake import:all
- Run the server
rails server
- In another terminal window navigate into the rails-engine spec harness directory
to run test suite.
You can also interact with this API at the Swagger Application UI or on Swagger Hub.
- GET /api/v1/customers
- sends all customers
- GET /api/v1/customers/:id
- sends one customer
- GET /api/v1/customers/find_all?params
- sends all customers requested by id
- sends all customers requested by first_name case matching
- sends all customers requested by first_name case not matching
- sends all customers requested by last_name case matching
- sends all customers requested by last_name case not matching
- sends all customers requested by created_at
- sends all customers requested by updated_at
- GET /api/v1/customers/find?params
- sends first customer requested by id
- sends first customer requested by first_name matching
- sends first customer requested by first_name not matching
- sends first customer requested by last_name case matching
- sends first customer requested by last_name not matching
- sends first customer requested by created_at
- sends first customer requested by updated_at
- GET /api/v1/customers/random
- sends a random customer
- GET /api/v1/customers/:id/invoices
- returns a collection of associated invoices
- GET /api/v1/customers/:id/transactions
- returns a collection of associated transactions
- GET /api/v1/customers/:id/favorite_merchant
- returns a merchant where the customer has conducted the most successful transactions
- GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/transactions
- returns a collection of associated transactions
- GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/invoice_items
- returns a collection of associated invoice items
- GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/items
- returns a collection of associated items
- GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/customer
- returns the associated customer
- GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/merchant
- returns the associated merchant
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id/invoice
- sends the invoice for requested invoice_item
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id/item
- sends the item for requested invoice_item
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items
- sends a list of all invoice items
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id
- sends a single invoice item
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find?params
- sends first invoice_item based on item id
- send first invoice_item based on invoice id
- send first invoice_item based on unit price
- sends first invoice_item based on item quantity
- send first invoice_item based on created date
- sends first invoice_item based on updated date
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find_all?params
- sends all invoice_items based on item id
- send all invoice_items based on invoice id
- sends all invoice_items based on unit price
- sends all invoice_items based on created at date
- sends all invoice_items based on updated at date
- GET /api/v1/invoice_items/random
- sends a random invoice_item
- GET /api/v1/invoices
- sends a list of invoices
- GET /api/v1/invoices/:id
- sends a single invoice
- GET /api/v1/invoices/find?params
- finds a single invoice based on customer id
- finds a single invoice based on merchant id
- finds a single invoice based on invoice status case matching
- finds a single invoice based on invoice status case insensitive
- finds a single invoice based on created at date
- finds a single invoice based on updated at date
- GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?params
- finds all invoices based on customer id
- finds all invoices based on merchant id
- finds all invoices based on invoice status case matching
- finds all invoices based on invoice status case insenstive
- finds all invoices based on created at date
- finds all invoices based on updated at date
- GET /api/v1/invoices/random
- sends a random invoice
- GET /api/v1/items/:id/invoice_items
- sends all invoice_items associated with the requested item
- GET /api/v1/items/:id/merchant
- sends the merchant associated with the requested item
- GET /api/v1/items/most_items?quantity=x
- returns the top x item instances ranked by total number sold
- GET /api/v1/items/most_revenue?quantity=x
- returns the top x items ranked by total revenue generated
- GET /api/v1/items/:id/best_day
- returns the date with the most sales for the given item using the invoice date. If there are multiple days with equal number of sales, return the most recent day.
- GET /api/v1/items
- sends a list of all items
- GET /api/v1/items/:id
- sends a single item
- GET /api/v1/items/find?params
- finds an item based on name case matching
- finds an item based on name case insensitive
- finds an item based on descripion case matching
- finds an item based on description case insensitive
- finds an item based on unit prices
- finds an item based on merchant id
- finds an item based on created at date
- finds an item based on updated at date
- GET /api/v1/items/find_all?params
- finds all items based on item id
- finds all items based on item name case matching
- finds all items based on item name case insenstitive
- finds all items based on item description case matching
- finds all items based on description case insensitive
- finds all items based on unit price
- finds all items based on merchant id
- finds all items based on created at date
- finds all items baased on updated at date
- GET /api/v1/items/random
- sends a random item
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/items
- returns a collection of items associated with that merchant
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/invoices
- returns a collection of invoices associated with that merchant from their known orders
- GET /api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=x
- returns the top x merchants ranked by total revenue
- GET /api/v1/merchants/most_items?quantity=x
- returns the top x merchants ranked by total number of items sold
- GET /api/v1/merchants/revenue?date=x
- sends total merchant revenue on date
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue
- returns the total revenue for that merchant across all transactions
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue?date=x
- returns the total revenue for that merchant for a specific invoice date x
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/favorite_customer
- returns the customer who has conducted the most total number of successful transactions
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/customers_with_pending_invoices
- returns a collection of customers which have pending (unpaid) invoices.
- GET /api/v1/merchants
- sends all merchants
- GET /api/v1/merchants/:id
- sends one merchant
- GET /api/v1/merchants/find_all?params
- sends all merchants requested by id
- sends all merchants requested by name case matching
- sends all merchants requested by name case not matching
- sends all merchants requested by created_at
- sends all merchants requested by updated_at
- GET /api/v1/merchants/find?params
- sends first merchant requested by id
- sends first merchant requested by name
- sends first merchant requested by name case not matching
- sends first merchant requested by created_at
- sends first merchant requested by updated_at
- GET /api/v1/merchants/random
- sends a random merchant
- GET /api/v1/transations/:id/invoice
- sends associated invoice
- GET /api/v1/transactions
- sends all transactions
- GET /api/v1/transactions/:id
- sends one transaction
- GET /api/v1/merchants/find_all?params
- sends all transactions requested by id
- sends all transactions requested by invoice_id
- sends all transactions requested by credit_card_number
- sends all transactions requested by result case matching
- sends all transactions requested by result case not matching
- sends all transactions requested by created_at
- sends all transactions requested by updated_at
- GET /api/v1/merchants/find?params
- sends first transaction requested by id
- sends first transaction requested by invoice_id
- sends first transaction requested by credit_card_number
- sends first transaction requested by result case matching
- sends first transaction requested by result case not matching
- sends first transaction requested by created_at
- sends first transaction requested by updated_at
- GET /api/v1/transactions/random
- sends a random transaction