Initial Release
Version Information
Tag version:
Release title:
Initial Release
This is the initial release of the ARPA programming language, a new programming language developed with C# and ANTLR4, featuring Turkish syntax.Features:
- Full support for Turkish syntax.
- Compatible with C# syntax structure.
- Supports basic programming concepts including variable declarations, assignments, if/else structures, loops, and functions.
- Integrated with ARPA Studio IDE developed using WPF Core 8.0.
- Code writing and editing powered by the AvalonEdit component.
- Instant execution of ARPA code with immediate result display.
- Compilation of ARPA code using ANTLR4.
Installation Instructions:
- Ensure .NET Core 8.0 is installed.
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Open the project with a .NET Core-supported IDE and compile it.
- Launch ARPA Studio to run your ARPA code.
Example Usage:
Here’s a simple code snippet demonstrating the use of ARPA:
sayi x = 10; sayi y = 20; eger (x < y) { yazdır("x is less than y."); } değilse { yazdır("x is greater than or equal to y."); }
Supported Data Types:
: For integer valuesondalik
: For decimal valuesmetin
: For string valuesmantik
: For boolean values (true/false)
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues.