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Student: Bernard Nyarko

  • Lecturer: Dr Mary Kim
  • Course: Advanced Database Management
  • Project Title: Hospital Management System

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 5.0.2 --

-- Host: -- Generation Time: Nov 17, 2020 at 10:27 PM -- Server version: 10.4.14-MariaDB -- PHP Version: 7.4.9



-- -- Database: hospital_management_system


-- Procedures

CREATE DEFINER=root@localhost PROCEDURE AdmittedPatients_Cursor () NO SQL Begin DECLARE Patient_ID varchar(10); DECLARE Patient_FNAME varchar(25); DECLARE Patient_LNAME varchar(25); DECLARE Doctors_ID varchar(10); DECLARE Doctor_LN varchar(25); DECLARE Diagnosis varchar(100); DECLARE Prescription varchar(100); DECLARE Admission_Room varchar(10); DECLARE Admission_Date date; DECLARE done integer DEFAULT 0; DECLARE AdmittedPatients_Cursor cursor for SELECT patients.Patient_ID, patients.First_Name, patients.Last_Name, doctors.Doctor_ID, doctors.Last_Name, medical_history.Diagnosis, medical_history.Prescriptions, admission.Room_No, admission.Date FROM admission LEFT JOIN medical_history ON admission.Date=medical_history.Date LEFT JOIN patients ON patients.Patient_ID=admission.Patient_ID LEFT JOIN doctors ON doctors.Doctor_ID=admission.Doctor_ID WHERE doctors.Doctor_ID IN(SELECT admission.Doctor_ID FROM admission); declare continue handler for not found set done=1; OPEN AdmittedPatients_Cursor; staffClient: LOOP FETCH AdmittedPatients_Cursor INTO Patient_ID, Patient_FNAME, Patient_LNAME, Doctors_ID, Doctor_LN, Diagnosis, Prescription, Admission_Room, Admission_Date; If done = 1 then Leave staffClient; end if; SELECT Patient_ID, Patient_FNAME, Patient_LNAME, Doctors_ID, Doctor_LN, Diagnosis, Prescription, Admission_Room, Admission_Date;

END LOOP staffClient; Close AdmittedPatients_Cursor; END$$


-- -- Table structure for table admission

CREATE TABLE admission ( Room_No varchar(10) NOT NULL, Branch_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Patient_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Doctor_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Date date NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table admission

INSERT INTO admission (Room_No, Branch_ID, Patient_ID, Doctor_ID, Date) VALUES ('01', 'HB1', '1HB1', 'MD1', '2017-01-05'), ('02', 'HB3', '1HB3', 'MD2', '2020-02-10'), ('03', 'HB5', '1HB5', 'MD6', '2020-11-10');

-- -- Triggers admission

DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER Admission_Trigger BEFORE INSERT ON admission FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE msg varchar(100); IF new.Patient_ID = ANY(SELECT admission.Patient_ID FROM admission WHERE new.Doctor_ID=admission.Doctor_ID AND new.Branch_ID=admission.Branch_ID AND new.Date =admission.Date) THEN set msg ='This Patient is Already Admitted'; SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = msg; END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ;

-- -- Table structure for table billing

CREATE TABLE billing ( Bill_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Patient_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Doctor_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Date date NOT NULL, Bill varchar(10) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table billing

INSERT INTO billing (Bill_ID, Patient_ID, Doctor_ID, Date, Bill) VALUES ('B01', '1HB1', 'MD1', '2017-01-05', '$10,000.00'), ('B03', '1HB5', 'MD6', '2020-02-10', '$500.00'), ('BO2', '1HB3', 'MD2', '2020-11-10', '$35,000.00');

-- -- Table structure for table doctors

CREATE TABLE doctors ( Doctor_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, First_Name varchar(25) NOT NULL, Last_Name varchar(25) NOT NULL, Age int(11) NOT NULL, Gender varchar(25) NOT NULL, Address varchar(50) NOT NULL, Telephone_Number varchar(25) NOT NULL, Speciality varchar(50) NOT NULL, Branch_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table doctors

INSERT INTO doctors (Doctor_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Age, Gender, Address, Telephone_Number, Speciality, Branch_ID) VALUES ('MD1', 'Bernard', 'Nyarko', 32, 'Male', '95 Best Western Street', '+1 281-754-1562', 'Cardiology', 'HB1'), ('MD2', 'Mary', 'Kim', 47, 'Female', '7 College Station', '+1 936-261-9859', 'Dentistry', 'HB2'), ('MD3', 'Umair', 'Malik', 25, 'Male', '34 Prairie View Avenue', '+1 583-024-1111', 'Gynaecology', 'HB3'), ('MD4', 'Muhammad', 'Ghazi', 22, 'Male', '10 Magdalene Avenue', '+1 999-588-2275', 'Dermatology', 'HB4'), ('MD6', 'Jamil', 'Ahmed', 23, 'Male', '12 Washington Avenue', '+7 592-746-1155', 'General Medical Officer', 'HB5');

-- -- Stand-in structure for view doctor_bernard_nyarko -- (See below for the actual view)

CREATE TABLE doctor_bernard_nyarko ( Doctor_ID varchar(10) ,Speciality varchar(50) ,Patient_ID varchar(10) ,First_Name varchar(25) ,Last_Name varchar(25) ,Branch_ID varchar(10) ,Diagnosis varchar(100) ,Prescriptions varchar(100) ,Date date );

-- -- Stand-in structure for view doctor_jamil_ahmed -- (See below for the actual view)

CREATE TABLE doctor_jamil_ahmed ( Doctor_ID varchar(10) ,Speciality varchar(50) ,Patient_ID varchar(10) ,First_Name varchar(25) ,Last_Name varchar(25) ,Branch_ID varchar(10) ,Diagnosis varchar(100) ,Prescriptions varchar(100) ,Date date );

-- -- Stand-in structure for view doctor_mary_kim -- (See below for the actual view)

CREATE TABLE doctor_mary_kim ( Doctor_ID varchar(10) ,Speciality varchar(50) ,Patient_ID varchar(10) ,First_Name varchar(25) ,Last_Name varchar(25) ,Branch_ID varchar(10) ,Diagnosis varchar(100) ,Prescriptions varchar(100) ,Date date );

-- -- Stand-in structure for view doctor_muhammad_ghazi -- (See below for the actual view)

CREATE TABLE doctor_muhammad_ghazi ( Doctor_ID varchar(10) ,Speciality varchar(50) ,Patient_ID varchar(10) ,First_Name varchar(25) ,Last_Name varchar(25) ,Branch_ID varchar(10) ,Diagnosis varchar(100) ,Prescriptions varchar(100) ,Date date );

-- -- Stand-in structure for view doctor_umair_malik -- (See below for the actual view)

CREATE TABLE doctor_umair_malik ( Doctor_ID varchar(10) ,Speciality varchar(50) ,Patient_ID varchar(10) ,First_Name varchar(25) ,Last_Name varchar(25) ,Branch_ID varchar(10) ,Diagnosis varchar(100) ,Prescriptions varchar(100) ,Date date );

-- -- Table structure for table hospital_branch

CREATE TABLE hospital_branch ( Branch_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, City varchar(30) NOT NULL, Address varchar(100) NOT NULL, Post_Code varchar(8) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table hospital_branch

INSERT INTO hospital_branch (Branch_ID, City, Address, Post_Code) VALUES ('HB1', 'STAFFORD', '11929 W AIRPORT BLVD', '77477'), ('HB2', 'HOUSTON', '22572 E AIRPORT BLVD', '77577'), ('HB3', 'PRAIRIE VIEW', '2003 PHILLIPS STREET', '77445'), ('HB4', 'SAN ANTONIO', '77589 MEADOWS PLACE', '77478'), ('HB5', 'FORT WORT', '12345 GOLD STREET', '77479');

-- -- Table structure for table medical_history

CREATE TABLE medical_history ( Patient_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Doctor_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Branch_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, Diagnosis varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, Prescriptions varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, Date date NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table medical_history

INSERT INTO medical_history (Patient_ID, Doctor_ID, Branch_ID, Diagnosis, Prescriptions, Date) VALUES ('1HB1', 'MD1', 'HB1', 'Atherosclerosis', 'Atorvastatin', '2017-01-05'), ('1HB1', 'MD1', 'HB1', 'Atrial Fibrillation', 'Procainamide', '2018-10-02'), ('1HB1', 'MD6', 'HB1', 'Rickettsioses', 'Doxycycline', '2019-10-27'), ('1HB2', 'MD1', 'HB2', 'Hypertension', 'Hydrochlorothiazide', '2017-04-13'), ('1HB2', 'MD2', 'HB2', 'Gum Disease', 'Spiramycin', '2020-07-12'), ('1HB3', 'MD1', 'HB3', 'Congestive Heart', 'Furosemide', '2018-04-22'), ('1HB3', 'MD2', 'HB3', 'Tooth Decay', 'Fluoride', '2020-02-10'), ('1HB3', 'MD3', 'HB3', 'Gonorrhea', 'Zithromycin', '2020-11-05'), ('1HB4', 'MD4', 'HB4', 'Psoriasis', 'Corticosteroid', '2020-09-17'), ('1HB4', 'MD6', 'HB4', 'Migraine', 'Rizatriptan', '2019-07-19'), ('1HB4', 'MD6', 'HB4', 'Common Cold', 'Ibuprofen', '2020-11-17'), ('1HB5', 'MD3', 'HB5', 'Pelvic Inflammation', 'Metronidazole', '2017-12-05'), ('1HB5', 'MD6', 'HB5', 'Pregnant', 'Diphenhydramine', '2019-06-02'), ('2HB1', 'MD1', 'HB1', 'Coronary Heart', 'Nitroglycerin', '2017-09-21'), ('2HB2', 'MD3', 'HB2', 'Syphilis', 'Penicillin', '2020-11-01'), ('2HB2', 'MD4', 'HB2', 'Skin Cancer', '5-FU', '2020-06-03'), ('2HB2', 'MD6', 'HB2', 'Diarrhea', 'Azithromycin', '2020-02-24'), ('2HB3', 'MD2', 'HB3', 'Oral Cancer', 'Radiation Therapy', '2020-03-19'), ('2HB3', 'MD4', 'HB3', 'Eczema', 'Crisaborole', '2020-07-09'), ('2HB3', 'MD6', 'HB3', 'Stomach Ache', 'Acetaminophen', '2020-04-03'), ('2HB4', 'MD2', 'HB4', 'Bad Breath', 'Hydrogen peroxide', '2020-01-16'), ('2HB4', 'MD3', 'HB4', 'Uterine Fibroids', 'Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone', '2020-07-17'), ('2HB4', 'MD4', 'HB4', 'Acne', 'Tetracycline', '2020-08-18'), ('2HB4', 'MD6', 'HB4', 'Conjunctivitis', 'Moxifloxacin', '2020-08-14'), ('2HB5', 'MD2', 'HB5', 'Mouth Sores', 'Chlorhexidine', '2020-04-30'), ('2HB5', 'MD4', 'HB5', 'nail infections', 'Hydrogen Peroxide', '2020-11-04'), ('2HB5', 'MD6', 'HB5', 'Cholera ', 'Tetracycline', '2020-11-10');

-- -- Table structure for table patients

CREATE TABLE patients ( Patient_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL, First_Name varchar(25) NOT NULL, Last_Name varchar(25) NOT NULL, Age int(4) NOT NULL, Gender varchar(25) NOT NULL, Address varchar(50) NOT NULL, Telephone_No varchar(15) NOT NULL, DOB date NOT NULL, Branch_ID varchar(10) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table patients

INSERT INTO patients (Patient_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Age, Gender, Address, Telephone_No, DOB, Branch_ID) VALUES ('1HB1', 'Brian', 'Adams', 70, 'Male', '12 Beechnut Street', '+1 281-754-0000', '1950-07-05', 'HB1'), ('1HB2', 'Micheal', 'Simpson', 55, 'Male', '459 California Blvd', '+1 909-251-6790', '1970-01-23', 'HB2'), ('1HB3', 'Phillip ', 'Collins', 35, 'Male', '278 Las Vegas', '+1 467-924-7193', '1985-04-29', 'HB3'), ('1HB4', 'Collin', 'Harris', 45, 'Female', '9 Prairie View BLVD', '+1 583-024-7592', '1975-08-17', 'HB4'), ('1HB5', 'Sarah', 'Abraham', 99, 'Female', '777 Bethlehem Street', '+1 775-588-2275', '1921-05-07', 'HB5'), ('2HB1', 'Jessica ', 'Cole', 21, 'Female', '8 Oregan View', '+1 347-298-3461', '1999-01-05', 'HB1'), ('2HB2', 'Victor', 'Davidson', 10, ''Male', '45 Downtown Houston', '+1 884-602-7451', '2010-08-21', 'HB2'), ('2HB3', 'Frank', 'Mcginty', 27, 'Male', '11 Fantastic Street', '+1 476-208-7462', '1993-11-14', 'HB3'), ('2HB4', 'Lucy', 'Quist', 39, 'Female', '55 Magdalene Avenue', '+1 937-824-7501', '1981-05-18', 'HB4'), ('2HB5', 'Donald', 'Biden', 75, 'Male', '869 Washington Avenue', '+7 592-746-5013', '1945-08-12', 'HB5');

-- -- Table structure for table rooms

CREATE TABLE rooms ( Room_No varchar(10) NOT NULL, Price varchar(10) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

-- -- Dumping data for table rooms

INSERT INTO rooms (Room_No, Price) VALUES ('01', '$20.00'), ('02', '$30.00'), ('03', '$40.00');

-- -- Structure for view doctor_bernard_nyarko

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doctor_bernard_nyarko;

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=root@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW doctor_bernard_nyarko AS select doctors.Doctor_ID AS Doctor_ID,doctors.Speciality AS Speciality,medical_history.Patient_ID AS Patient_ID,patients.First_Name AS First_Name,patients.Last_Name AS Last_Name,medical_history.Branch_ID AS Branch_ID,medical_history.Diagnosis AS Diagnosis,medical_history.Prescriptions AS Prescriptions,medical_history.Date AS Date from ((medical_history left join patients on(patients.Patient_ID = medical_history.Patient_ID)) left join doctors on(medical_history.Doctor_ID = doctors.Doctor_ID)) where doctors.Doctor_ID = 'MD1' ;

-- -- Structure for view doctor_jamil_ahmed

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doctor_jamil_ahmed;

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=root@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW doctor_jamil_ahmed AS select doctors.Doctor_ID AS Doctor_ID,doctors.Speciality AS Speciality,medical_history.Patient_ID AS Patient_ID,patients.First_Name AS First_Name,patients.Last_Name AS Last_Name,medical_history.Branch_ID AS Branch_ID,medical_history.Diagnosis AS Diagnosis,medical_history.Prescriptions AS Prescriptions,medical_history.Date AS Date from ((medical_history left join patients on(patients.Patient_ID = medical_history.Patient_ID)) left join doctors on(medical_history.Doctor_ID = doctors.Doctor_ID)) where doctors.Doctor_ID = 'MD6' ;

-- -- Structure for view doctor_mary_kim

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doctor_mary_kim;

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=root@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW doctor_mary_kim AS select doctors.Doctor_ID AS Doctor_ID,doctors.Speciality AS Speciality,medical_history.Patient_ID AS Patient_ID,patients.First_Name AS First_Name,patients.Last_Name AS Last_Name,medical_history.Branch_ID AS Branch_ID,medical_history.Diagnosis AS Diagnosis,medical_history.Prescriptions AS Prescriptions,medical_history.Date AS Date from ((medical_history left join patients on(patients.Patient_ID = medical_history.Patient_ID)) left join doctors on(medical_history.Doctor_ID = doctors.Doctor_ID)) where doctors.Doctor_ID = 'MD2' ;

-- -- Structure for view doctor_muhammad_ghazi

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doctor_muhammad_ghazi;

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=root@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW doctor_muhammad_ghazi AS select doctors.Doctor_ID AS Doctor_ID,doctors.Speciality AS Speciality,medical_history.Patient_ID AS Patient_ID,patients.First_Name AS First_Name,patients.Last_Name AS Last_Name,medical_history.Branch_ID AS Branch_ID,medical_history.Diagnosis AS Diagnosis,medical_history.Prescriptions AS Prescriptions,medical_history.Date AS Date from ((medical_history left join patients on(patients.Patient_ID = medical_history.Patient_ID)) left join doctors on(medical_history.Doctor_ID = doctors.Doctor_ID)) where doctors.Doctor_ID = 'MD4' ;

-- -- Structure for view doctor_umair_malik

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doctor_umair_malik;

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=root@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW doctor_umair_malik AS select doctors.Doctor_ID AS Doctor_ID,doctors.Speciality AS Speciality,medical_history.Patient_ID AS Patient_ID,patients.First_Name AS First_Name,patients.Last_Name AS Last_Name,medical_history.Branch_ID AS Branch_ID,medical_history.Diagnosis AS Diagnosis,medical_history.Prescriptions AS Prescriptions,medical_history.Date AS Date from ((medical_history left join patients on(patients.Patient_ID = medical_history.Patient_ID)) left join doctors on(medical_history.Doctor_ID = doctors.Doctor_ID)) where doctors.Doctor_ID = 'MD3' ;

-- -- Indexes for dumped tables

-- -- Indexes for table admission

ALTER TABLE admission ADD PRIMARY KEY (Room_No,Patient_ID,Doctor_ID,Date), ADD KEY Branch_ID (Branch_ID), ADD KEY Doctor_ID (Doctor_ID), ADD KEY Patient_ID (Patient_ID);

-- -- Indexes for table billing

ALTER TABLE billing ADD PRIMARY KEY (Bill_ID) USING BTREE, ADD KEY billing_ibfk_1 (Patient_ID) USING BTREE, ADD KEY Doctor_ID (Doctor_ID);

-- -- Indexes for table doctors

ALTER TABLE doctors ADD PRIMARY KEY (Doctor_ID), ADD KEY Branch_ID (Branch_ID);

-- -- Indexes for table hospital_branch

ALTER TABLE hospital_branch ADD PRIMARY KEY (Branch_ID);

-- -- Indexes for table medical_history

ALTER TABLE medical_history ADD PRIMARY KEY (Patient_ID,Doctor_ID,Date), ADD KEY Branch_ID (Branch_ID), ADD KEY Doctor_ID (Doctor_ID);

-- -- Indexes for table patients

ALTER TABLE patients ADD PRIMARY KEY (Patient_ID), ADD KEY Branch_ID (Branch_ID);

-- -- Indexes for table rooms


-- -- Constraints for dumped tables

-- -- Constraints for table admission

ALTER TABLE admission ADD CONSTRAINT admission_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (Branch_ID) REFERENCES hospital_branch (Branch_ID), ADD CONSTRAINT admission_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (Doctor_ID) REFERENCES doctors (Doctor_ID), ADD CONSTRAINT admission_ibfk_3 FOREIGN KEY (Patient_ID) REFERENCES patients (Patient_ID), ADD CONSTRAINT admission_ibfk_4 FOREIGN KEY (Room_No) REFERENCES rooms (Room_No);

-- -- Constraints for table billing

ALTER TABLE billing ADD CONSTRAINT billing_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (Patient_ID) REFERENCES patients (Patient_ID), ADD CONSTRAINT billing_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (Doctor_ID) REFERENCES doctors (Doctor_ID);

-- -- Constraints for table doctors

ALTER TABLE doctors ADD CONSTRAINT doctors_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (Branch_ID) REFERENCES hospital_branch (Branch_ID);

-- -- Constraints for table medical_history

ALTER TABLE medical_history ADD CONSTRAINT medical_history_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (Branch_ID) REFERENCES hospital_branch (Branch_ID), ADD CONSTRAINT medical_history_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (Doctor_ID) REFERENCES doctors (Doctor_ID), ADD CONSTRAINT medical_history_ibfk_3 FOREIGN KEY (Patient_ID) REFERENCES patients (Patient_ID);

-- -- Constraints for table patients

ALTER TABLE patients ADD CONSTRAINT patients_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (Branch_ID) REFERENCES hospital_branch (Branch_ID); COMMIT;



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