(This is a previw of a new tool soon to be available. There will be a free version with basic functionality, and a premium version with additional features available with commercial source code license. For more information, contact [email protected]. )
EdiObjects is a Java API that allows you to load an EDI interchange into a Java object and access the EDI content in your Java application. All X12 transaction sets and EDIFACT message types are supported.
As a quick preview of the API, suppose we have an X12 interchange with one or more purchase orders (transaction set 850), and an EDIFACT interchange with one or more purchase orders (ORDERS message type). The following Java snippet loads the X12 interchange, iterates over all the 850 transactions within all the functional groups, and displays the purchase order number for each one.
package com.berryworks.edireader.ediobjects.example;
import com.berryworks.edireader.ediobjects.EdiObjectsLoader;
import com.berryworks.edireader.ediobjects.model.Interchange;
import com.berryworks.edireader.ediobjects.model.Segment;
import com.berryworks.edireader.ediobjects.model.Transaction;
import com.berryworks.edireader.ediobjects.richsegments.x12.BEG;
import java.io.FileReader;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Interchange interchange;
try {
interchange = new EdiObjectsLoader().load(new FileReader("850-4010.edi"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (Transaction t : interchange.getTransactions()) {
for (Segment segment : t.getSegments()) {
switch (segment.getType()) {
case "BEG":
BEG beg = (BEG) segment;
System.out.printf("Purchase Order %s %n", beg.purchaseOrderNumber_03());