- 📖 About the Project
- 💻 Getting Started
- 👥 Authors
- 🔭 Future Features
- 🤝 Contributing
- ⭐️ Show your support
- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- ❓ FAQ
- 📝 License
VetClinicDB is a robust and efficient GitHub repository that provides a complete and user-friendly solution for managing data related to animals, customers, and owners in a veterinary clinic. The repository serves as a centralized database system, empowering veterinary clinics to streamline their operations, enhance customer service, and maintain accurate records.
- Database
- Table
- Queries
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
- node js
- git bash
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
Install this project with:
npm install
To run the project, execute the following command:
psql -U postgres
Then enter the password you used during installation
Not applicable
You can deploy this application using render or gh-pages
👤 Damilare
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Prince
- GitHub: @prius2055
- Twitter: @prius2055
- LinkedIn: @prius2055
👤 Ouail Laarabi
- GitHub: @Ouail-01
- Twitter: @Ouail_laarabi
- LinkedIn: Ouail Laarabi
- Multiple tables
- More complex queries
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project, kindly drop a star for me on github.
I would like to thank Microverse for the inspiration given towards this codebase.
After installing postgresql, how do i start the service before i even create the database?
- You can start the service on windows by opening gitbash and executing 'psql -U postgres'
How do i create a database and how do i confirm it has been created?
- To create a database, use the following line of code: CREATE DATABASE database_name;
and to check, use "\l"
This project is MIT licensed.