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Project is live at : Tomato-Plant-Disease-Detector

Quick Offline Setup :

  • method 1 (using Docker)

  • Open cmd in local and run all below commands..

    git clone
    docker build -t tomato_app .
    docker run -dp 8501:8501 --name Tomantina tomato_app
    timeout 2 /nobreak && start http://localhost:8501
  • Method 2 : (using Conda venv)

  • Clone this repo

  • Open cmd in Clone folder

  • Create a conda environment on your device using commands below on cmd,

    conda create -n test_env python=3.9
    conda activate test_env
  • Install require libraries

    pip install requirements.txt
  • Run the application

    streamlit run

How to use Tomato-Plant-Disease-Detector web-app:

  • Click here
  • Select type of Input ['Upload Image', 'Take A Shot', 'Live Camera (Experimental)']

Upload Image

  • Click on Browse files & Upload a Image file, Model will classify your uploaded Image from the known tomato disease classes.
  • After uploading completes, you can see the prediction on right side as shown below

Take A Shot

  • Take a shot of the tomato plant leaf by clicking Take Photo on right side of the application.

Live Camera (Experimental)

  • As of now Streamlit is not supporting to use camera directly from API.
  • Here is an way to access the Live Camera feature on your offline device :
    • Clone this repo
    • Open cmd in Clone folder
    • Create a conda environment on your device using commands below on cmd,
    conda create -n test_env python=3.9
    conda activate test_env
    pip install requirements.txt
    streamlit run
    • Note : you may be asked for Email to start streamlit (proceed anyways)
    • It will redirect you to your default browser and open application offline
    • here you may use the Live Camera (Experimental) feature without any error.

Model Details :

  • Sequential model
  • Training of 10 Epoch

Model Results :

  • Model Accuracy and Loss

Model Evaluation

  • Classification Report
  • Confusion Matrix

Dataset used for Training model:

  • Dataset is taken from kaggle and link for dataset is here
  • This dataset contains images of 256 X 256 size & RGB colored of different plant species.
  • For this project I have choosen tomoto plant with 10 classes of diseases namely :
    • Bacterial Spot
    • Early Blight
    • Healthy
    • Late Blight
    • Leaf Mold
    • Septoria Leaf Spot
    • Spider Mites Two-Spotted Spider Mite
    • Target Spot
    • Tomato Mosaic Virus
    • Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus

Libraries and framework used in project :

Do check my Kaggle (ipynb)Notebook:

  • Link to my kaggle notebook is here
  • Do upvote my notebook, Hope you like it.
  • and do Not forgot to check my other notebooks on kaggle as well

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  • Hope you love to know more about me, check my Portfolio Website here