A text-based, sentence-pair Semantic Similarity pipeline written in Python that utilizes Natural Language Processing via spaCy & pywsd, Machine and Deep Learning via scikit-learn & TensorFlow Hub models (Cer, 2018), as well as heuristic approaches (Pawar, 2018) to create an ensemble model that scores the semantic similarity of two English sentences on an integer scale between 1 (not very similar) and 5 (highly similar).
Input is given as a tab delimited corpus of unscored sentence pairs and output is produced as a tab delimited table of scores. See the dev-set for a sample input and the dev-set predictions for a sample output.
For specific base as well as ensemble model metrics and error analysis, see the corresponding notebook.
- Python 3.X
- pip
which pip
Which should point to the desired env
Alternatively, invoke the desired env directly:
/Path/To/desired_venv/bin/python -m pip <commands>
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Install the following NLTK WordNet data (again making sure to use the desired env):
python -m nltk.downloader wordnet
python -m nltk.downloader omw
python -m nltk.downloader popular
Programs dependent on Pywsd:
- ensembleModels.py
- pawarModel.py
Notebooks dependent on Pywsd:
- ensembleModels-Dev-Train.ipynb
- ensembleModels-Test.ipynb
- pawarModel-Dev-Train.ipynb
- pawarModel-Test.ipynb
As of Pywsd 1.2.4 (future releases may render this patch obsolete), a bug exists in Pywsd that will cause word sense disambiguation using pywsd.max_similarity
to fail with an IndexError.
To patch this, find the Pywsd module in the site packages of the env that it was installed in / the env that the STS-Pipeline will be run within:
Example location:
Within the method max_similarity
in .../site-packages/pywsd/similarity.py
add the following before the return statement:
if not len(result):
return None
should now look like:
def max_similarity(context_sentence: str, ambiguous_word: str, option="path",
lemma=True, context_is_lemmatized=False, pos=None, best=True) -> "wn.Synset":
Perform WSD by maximizing the sum of maximum similarity between possible
synsets of all words in the context sentence and the possible synsets of the
ambiguous words (see https://ibin.co/4gG9zUlejUUA.png):
:param context_sentence: String, a sentence.
:param ambiguous_word: String, a single word.
:return: If best, returns only the best Synset, else returns a dict.
ambiguous_word = lemmatize(ambiguous_word)
# If ambiguous word not in WordNet return None
if not wn.synsets(ambiguous_word):
return None
if context_is_lemmatized:
context_sentence = word_tokenize(context_sentence)
context_sentence = [lemmatize(w) for w in word_tokenize(context_sentence)]
result = {}
for i in wn.synsets(ambiguous_word, pos=pos):
result[i] = 0
for j in context_sentence:
_result = [0]
for k in wn.synsets(j):
result[i] += max(_result)
if option in ["res","resnik"]: # lower score = more similar
result = sorted([(v,k) for k,v in result.items()])
else: # higher score = more similar
result = sorted([(v,k) for k,v in result.items()],reverse=True)
if not len(result):
return None
return result[0][1] if best else result
Save the edited file. All STS-Pipeline programs / notebooks dependent on Pywsd should now run without issue.
Verify that the PYTHONPATH
system variable includes the sts_wrldom
directory. For example:
> /Path/to/Projects/STS-Pipeline/sts_wrldom
Ensure that the working directory of the terminal the program will run in is the STS-Pipeline root directory. For example:
> /Path/to/Projects/STS-Pipeline
Standalone programs are:
- corpusReader
- enrichPipe
- depTFIDFModel
- pawarModel
- ensembleModels
All programs can run with no command line options, however all programs offer command line options. Use:
python <program>.py -h
for available options.
was built and run directly inside Google Colabs. Avoid running it in a local environment as it has some pip3
installs that might clutter the local environment
Pawar, Atish, and Vijay Mago. "Calculating the similarity between words and sentences using a lexical database and corpus statistics." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.05667 (2018).
Cer, Daniel, Yinfei Yang, Sheng-yi Kong, Nan Hua, Nicole Limtiaco, Rhomni St John, Noah Constant et al. "Universal sentence encoder." arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.11175 (2018).