Group: MielPops
Members: Gaetano Bonofiglio, Veronica Iovinella
Hadoop >2.7, Hive >1.0, Spark >1.6
- Download the dataset and load it on your HDFS.
- Import code as Maven project and run as Maven install.
- To run MapReduce jobs (replace NUMBER with the job number, optional arguments are between "()"):
# additional arguments like the number of mapreduce tasks or the range of the years for Job1
yarn jar /path/to/project1-mapreduce-mielpops.jar "project1.JobNUMBER" /path/to/input_data (/path/to/intermediate_file_for_Job3Ver1) /path/to/output (additional arguments)
- To run Hive jobs:
# the query inside the hql file will load data from your file system to Hive tables om HDFS. Edit paths accordingly.
hive -f /path/to/jobNUMBER.hql
- To run Spark jobs:
# in the tests we also used --master yarn --driver-memory 7g --executor-memory 3g --num-executors 19
spark-submit --class project1.JobNUMBER /path/to/project1-spark-mielpops.jar /path/to/input_data /path/to/output