This is a library of numerical optimization develop by a mathematic student. If you are interest in this project , welcome to sent your advice to my email: [email protected].
To use this project, you need to define your own target function and optimizer with object "target_function" and "Optimizer".
Let's introduce some important class first:
class target_function: | |
--dimension: | type:list |
if your function is R_n to R, you should input [1,n]. | |
--function: | type:function |
input your own target funtion which all computational process must base on numpy.mat. | |
--grad_operator: | type:function |
input your own target funtion's grad-operator which all computational process must base on numpy.mat. | |
--Hessian: | type:function |
(optional,default=(lambda x: 0)) | |
input your own target function's Hessian-operator which all computational process must base on numpy.mat. |
class Optimizer: | |
--target_function: | type:target_function |
input your own target_function. | |
--Interpolate: | type:str |
(default="bisection",option:"bisection","quadratic") | |
--error_end: | type:float |
(default=1e-6) | |
End condition,when |f(x_k)-f(x_{k-1)}|< error_end , iteration end. | |
--alpha_logs: | type:bool |
you can choose to print step_length every step or not. | |
--steps_logs: | type:bool |
you can choose print target function's value every step or not. | |
--require_time: | type:bool |
you can choose print the time spent in the entire optimization process. |
About Optimizer, We will use Optimizer.GD_optmize() frequently.
Optimizer.GD_optmize(): | |
--start: | type:numpy.mat |
input your start point | |
--Method | type:str |
(default="steepest_descent", option:"steepest_descent","linear_conjugate_gradient", "FR_conjugate_gradient","PR_conjugate_gradient","HR_conjugate_gradient"s) |
input your optimization Method | |
--A | type:numpy.mat |
(optional,default=np.mat([])) | |
**ps:**Only when you use Method "linear_conjugate_gradient",you need to Input A. | |
A is from funtion form like (0.5x^T Ax-b^T*x) |
First, You need to instantiate the target function using a function and its gradient operator. For example:
import numpy as np
from dsy_numberical_optimization import target_funtion
def f(x):
return y
def grad_f(x):
return y
Then, you should instantiate your Optimizer with your target function.
from dsy_numberical_optimization import Optimizer
Now we can process our optimization(default: steepest_descent Method):
print("optmal x:\n{x}".format(x=x_min))
Method: steepest_descent
whole optmization take 0.010001420974731445s
optmal x:
Example for Method "linear_conjugate_gradient"
print("optmal x:\n{x}".format(x=x_min))
Method: linear_conjugate_gradient
waring: this method can only optmize funtion form like (0.5x.T*A*x-b.T*x)
whole optmization take 0.0010037422180175781s
optmal x:
[[2. ]
[1. ]]
Example for Method "FR_conjugate_gradient"
print("optmal x:\n{x}".format(x=x_min))
Method: FR_conjugate_gradient
whole optmization take 0.039859771728515625s
optmal x:
Example for Method "PR_conjugate_gradient"
print("optmal x:\n{x}".format(x=x_min))
Method: PR_conjugate_gradient
whole optmization take 0.02293872833251953s
optmal x:
Example for Method "HR_conjugate_gradient"
print("optmal x:\n{x}".format(x=x_min))
Method: HR_conjugate_gradient
whole optmization take 0.024933576583862305s
optmal x:
[[2. ]