MERN Stack Memories App
- React for the frontend
- Redux-Toolkit for frontend application state
- Material UI for UI
- MongoDB & Mongoose for the database
- Node & Express for the backend
- Google OAuth2 for authentication
- Google OAuth
- Custom authentication and register
- Ability to like each post
- Search by posts
- Adding photo realized by base64
- Adding new memories
- Commenting each post
- Pagination
First press 'Code' button and choose 'Download ZIP', then unpacking zip to your any folder and open in Visual Studio Code or other program. Your structure can be like...
├── server
└── client
Open the terminal in two window and write in first window cd server
and then npm i
and then after installing packages npm start
and other window cd client
and then npm i
and then after installing packages npm start
Don't forget adding your .env params in folder...
├── server
│ └── .env
└── client
└── .env
Then you can use my program :)