Docker image that runs the Bitgesell bgld node in a container for easy deployment.
Physical machine, cloud instance, or VPS that supports Docker i.e. Vultr, Digital Ocean, KVM or XEN based VMs) running Ubuntu 18.04 or later
At least 10 GB to store the block chain files (and always growing!)
At least 500 MB + 1 GB swap file
One liner for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS machines with JSON-RPC enabled on localhost and adds upstart init script:
curl | sh
Run an instance of Bitegesell node as follows:
docker run -dp 8454:8454 naftalimurgor/bgld
Verify that the container is running and bgld node is downloading the blockchain
$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 304e5a74a539 naftalimurgor/bgld "BGLd" 5 seconds ago Up 3 seconds>8454/tcp, :::8454->8454/tcp, 8455/tcp naughty_greider
You can then access the daemon's output thanks to the docker logs command
docker logs -f bgld
Install optional init scripts for upstart and systemd are in the
- Additional documentation in the docs folder.